Tuesday, March 15, 2011


We hit a solid 50 degrees today!
I took a couple sky shots with my little camera.  The color was quite different from the pictures I took in the post below (Canon Powershot)....interesting.
Still not in this time change groove....
Pretty slow getting out to the barn.
Ahhhhh....the morning frost melted quickly.
Just before my class, I took off the horse's blankets.
Instant piggies....
When I got inside, the light in our bedroom was amazing.
So I tried to get one of those "in the movies" looks going.

Tina was my only student today.
She got clock workings for her project...
Seymour did not come in last night, but sacked out this afternoon.
Late afternoon, the day was most gorgeous.
After spending much of the day in the back pasture, the ponies came back to the paddock to veggggg.
Dinner was a snap.
A big salad and the leftover shish kebobs with lomain (made a little extra).
For some weird reason, I was in the mood for Catalina dressing. 
I thought Barb had chore duty....wrong....when I went out to get the mud off the ponies Gary said she called to make sure I was aware that she was not doing them (I never looked at the calendar....)!  No problem.
How do you like the way these blankets look?????
Can't wait until they are stark naked!  There's a LOT of shedding going on.
I'm done.  Night all.


  1. Glad to hear you are getting warm up there!

  2. Oh Lori, the sunny photos are so beautiful. A sight for sore eyes. The first 2 shots are absolutely amazing. Look at those muddy horses--they do look like my piggies :) Dinner looks wonderful too. Glad the sunshine arrived in style.

  3. Your pictures are wonderful. Interesting the difference between cameras.
    Those pony's seem positively gleeful shedding their blankets.

  4. Is that green grass I see? We are still buried under a couple of feet of snow. It is going to be too warm this week, insuring flooding as we have so much snow and as the ground is well frozen, no where for it to go. Adding insult to injury we also have rain in the forecast for Thursday & Sunday. We will be floating, maybe we will come your way.

  5. I love that golden light. And the shadow of the windmill on the indoor.

  6. I can't believe how green it is where all that snow was so recently!

  7. as usual great photos. Love the cat..I recognize him as one in the art challenge.

  8. Yes...the ol' time change is naggin' us too. The advance of the full moon, apparently, the biggest full moon for this calendar year is shining in every crack and crevise last night. Guess who was awake at 2:30am..which was 1:30am just the other day...aaargh! Oh well, we northerns are tough at least let the southerners know that. I hav e a feeling we are on the same latitude..must look this up. I am close to the Tropic if Cancer..are you?

  9. Love the sun through the window pictures. They're just beautiful. Didn't you worry when Sidney didn't come in?

  10. oh my, you are so right - that lighting was so dreamy and you captured it perfectly...

    love the clock!

    and the blankets? My front loader groaned at the thought of those - hose them down and shove them in...glad I dont blanket anymore!


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