Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Damp, grey, chilly....

I did chores a little early today so I could fit in a shower before going to chorus.  There is hardly any snow left.  When I went out to the barn, it was raining so the sheets went on the horses.  Fortunately it stopped and the rest of the day was just yucky.  The good had a chance to dry out a little bit.

Our rehearsal was pretty darn good.

We all stayed for lunch.  There were about 65 people...  and 40 of them hung around for a wine tasting.   

Gary and I went home.

I was not very productive this afternoon.  Did evening chores before dinner.

Look at my sweet Glen Aberlour! 

Good boy, Mustafa....

Masterpiece!  I don't know how he can even get down to roll and back up again with his bum knee.

My sweet Berlin remained clean.

Dinner was simple....again.  Pasta, salad and crusty rolls.

One of my friends is moving out of state next week.  Today she gave me this tea pot.  It will be a perfect reminder of Kendra and I hope she comes back to visit.

I'm enjoying the fact that it is light later...tomorrow it is supposed to be 60 and sunny.

Night all.


  1. Our rain has stopped as well and temps in the 70's tomorrow. We are enjoying spring! I am sure your horses will enjoy the warmer temps too.

  2. Your pictures are so wonderful... until I see the food. Then I always get absolutely starving hungry even if I just had supper...whats up with that? :D

  3. Love your new cards!

    How about those mud babies. Would enjoy watching a "roll."

  4. I love that teapot! - and your simple dinner looks very yummy to me. YOu can't beat pasta, salad and crusty rolls!!

  5. My horses look exactly the same! I really dislike mud. It seems though, that the horses LOVE it.


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