Sunday, March 13, 2011


Another new follower and I don't know if she has a blog or not!  I can tell you this...she is a retired high school teacher, from California and has rescued a lot of animals.  TBDancer was the name.  If you see this, I would love more details.  Welcome!
Does this ever happen to you?  When you go to a person's profile, no blog is listed....just send a message.


  1. My message is I don't have a blog yet because I don't know what to write about (there are so many fascinating things about me and so many interests, I can't pick just one).

    Seriously, I am enjoying reading others' blogs and have thought about starting one of my own. Before I do that, however, I need to upgrade my computer to high-speed (am still in the 20th century with dialup--have all the connections necessary to DO high speed but just haven't crawled under the table to connect everything. I've seen what collects under there. Ew!)

    Am enjoying YOUR blog and pictures and artwork and everything. And thank you for the welcome ;o)

  2. Yeah, I checked her profile yesterday but found no blog. Would love to see one.


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