Sunday, March 13, 2011


A few weeks ago, Big Bird was knocked over by the bad weather.  Then, his two parts got frozen to the ground and we could not put him back together.  Since the snow has melted (for the moment) he has now returned to his normal position on the North side of the driveway and has started greeting visitors.
There were many geese flying overhead as I walked out to the barn.
Same old same old.  Barb helped with was a very grey day.

How about that!!!!No snow in the pasture.

At 1:30 we drove to Brockport to participate in a concert at the local Baptist church.
Our chorus and the Spencerport chorus provided the entertainment for the afternoon.
The venue was great and so were the acoustics.

It was a fundraiser for Haiti and they had a baked sale going on after we performed.
I was supposed to be making Apple Betty to take out to Randy and Arlene's for dinner...when I saw this cake for 5 bucks I immediately changed my mind.  German chocolate.

Did you ever hear someone play a saw? 
(in order to hear these videos, scroll down to the bottom of the blog and turn off my radio).

It was impossible for me to record our chorus, but I did manage to get some beautiful sounds from the Spencerport chorus.  They were outstanding.  (Later, we rose to the occasion too).

We sang after them...all was concluded with us coming together (about 70 people) to sing Josh Grobin's "You Raise Me Up."  Pretty emotional.

Home by 4:45.  Barb had chore duty (yay!!!!!!!!!!!) so I could just relax.  Sure didn't have to make dessert!
We arrived in Hamlin at 6:30.  St. Patrick was everywhere.

And I forgot to take more pictures.  Oh well.
Dinner was great.  Corned beef, cabbage, carrots, potatoes....homemade soda bread and that fabulous cake for dessert.  An early celebration.

Night all.

PS - 34 degrees predicted for tomorrow, then a week at 50!


  1. Whooooo, I'll take one of those cupcakes, please. btw Is that Cher, I hear, w/ Elton? LOVE Cher!

  2. That corn beef looks yummy. We had the same thing last nite. I love it. We also had friends for dinner. My beef was a little chewy but tasty. 8>)

  3. Yum, that cake looks delicious. And, there's nothing better than corned beef and cabbage. Hard to believe it's the middle of March already.

  4. Gosh, all the things you DO! I've said it before, but: you're one busy, talented lady.

  5. Glad you are finally getting some warmer weather! Enjoyed the videos. I have actually seen someone play a saw. Very unique.

  6. That cake looks delicious. I'm not coming here anymore, I'm dieting and all this food is hard on my will power! Glad you had such a nice day. I have heard someone play the saw once it was pretty amazing. My mom used to work with someone who played the spoons. What you can do when you put your mind to something right.

  7. Big Bird is my the look in his eye!

  8. Sound like we're in the same weather pattern except we still have snow on the ground. I'm looking forward to seeing the sun this week. I just wish it would shine on the weekends.

  9. Love Big Bird!! Glad he is back in business.


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