Thursday, March 31, 2011


Here's my sunrise!
Isn't it beautiful? And the lovely white ground!
 Ahhhhhhh....spring has sprung......

 After chores I went down to Wegman's.  The cupboards were bare.
 At 2 Gary and I had a meeting with Mike M. regarding the Duck Derby.  We are getting our thoughts together for this event that will sneak up on us before we know it.
 Home and in front of the fire.
L'orange joined me.
 At 4:30 we had a representative come to discuss putting in some new windows upstairs.  I felt like I was at a car dealership.  What a number they try to do on you.  They start out high...Like $1400 per window (not even big ones) and 2 hours later it was down to $680.  Fagetaboutit!

By this afternoon the amaryliss blossoms were totally open.
 Sure different from the lack of color outside.

Gary wanted to go out to dinner tonight so we headed down to the Garland.  I had a Buffalo Wing salad and Gary had broiled fish.  Did I remember to take pictures?

I forgot to show you the new drum that arrived yesterday.  It is called a Dagomba and is from Ghana.
Now I need to learn how to play it....psyched!  It is played with a stick or sticks, not with your hands.  More of a bass drum.  Have I lost it or what?

By the way, all the snow was melted by late afternoon.
Night all.


This new follower describes herself as a Homeschool Mom/Artist.  From looking at her fabulous blog ( ....creative seeds for your homemaking hands, heart and soul... I believe she does not live too far from Cape Cod.  She and Amy (Verde Farm) are going to combine Farmgirl Friday and Farm Friend Friday co-hosting the blog hops starting tomorrow.  It's an interesting much to see and learn.

Thank you for finding my Journal.  I love your Chicken Coop!!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


A familiar sunrise....

After that, it was the usual....
 The pups and kitties were out in the paddock.
It did not feel quite as cold as it was yesterday.

 I had to get the lead out so I would have time to take a shower before chorus.

 Greg was there to play the piano today.  What a difference.
 We had a great rehearsal.

Got a haircut and picked up some grain on the way home.  After lunch I decided to go for a bike ride.
5 or 6 miles.  It was a little windy as I headed North.

 I decided to ride around the "big block" we live on.
 Took the first right onto Beadle Road.  Lots of open fields but a little more protected from the wind.
 Passed many interesting things, including this old split rail fence.
 My next turn was onto Root Road....up a little grade...
 Scrub trees....
 beautiful barns....
 The next road was Covell.
 I could have taken a ton of pictures.
 Many beautiful old structures along the way.

 I've spoken about this barn before.  It is not very old and houses antique cars.  Sadly, the owner of this property (a heart specialist) was hit by a shuttle bus as he was walking over to the airport to meet his family and only survived for a couple of weeks.  A great lost to this community.
 The house was purchased from some friends of ours and they doubled it's size with such integrity.

 Finally, the last turn onto our road.  Home was in sight.
 The kitties were hangin' out in their condo.

 99% of the snow was gone and the temperature must have peaked around 45.
 We had our Monday night dinner tonight....with Jen and the boys.
It was great, as usual.
Finally, both Finn and Coop seem back to their normal healthy.

 Jen is very organic, and everything she made was as good as it gets.  Excellent sauce with sausage and red peppers on angel hair.  A nice bigga (as Sharon Creech would say) salad and crusty bread.
 Did we really need brownies with chocolate chips for dessert?
 We ate early so I could do chores after dinner.

The ponies were ready and waiting.
 Look who rolled.
Time out for now.
Night all.