Wednesday, March 30, 2011


A familiar sunrise....

After that, it was the usual....
 The pups and kitties were out in the paddock.
It did not feel quite as cold as it was yesterday.

 I had to get the lead out so I would have time to take a shower before chorus.

 Greg was there to play the piano today.  What a difference.
 We had a great rehearsal.

Got a haircut and picked up some grain on the way home.  After lunch I decided to go for a bike ride.
5 or 6 miles.  It was a little windy as I headed North.

 I decided to ride around the "big block" we live on.
 Took the first right onto Beadle Road.  Lots of open fields but a little more protected from the wind.
 Passed many interesting things, including this old split rail fence.
 My next turn was onto Root Road....up a little grade...
 Scrub trees....
 beautiful barns....
 The next road was Covell.
 I could have taken a ton of pictures.
 Many beautiful old structures along the way.

 I've spoken about this barn before.  It is not very old and houses antique cars.  Sadly, the owner of this property (a heart specialist) was hit by a shuttle bus as he was walking over to the airport to meet his family and only survived for a couple of weeks.  A great lost to this community.
 The house was purchased from some friends of ours and they doubled it's size with such integrity.

 Finally, the last turn onto our road.  Home was in sight.
 The kitties were hangin' out in their condo.

 99% of the snow was gone and the temperature must have peaked around 45.
 We had our Monday night dinner tonight....with Jen and the boys.
It was great, as usual.
Finally, both Finn and Coop seem back to their normal healthy.

 Jen is very organic, and everything she made was as good as it gets.  Excellent sauce with sausage and red peppers on angel hair.  A nice bigga (as Sharon Creech would say) salad and crusty bread.
 Did we really need brownies with chocolate chips for dessert?
 We ate early so I could do chores after dinner.

The ponies were ready and waiting.
 Look who rolled.
Time out for now.
Night all.


  1. Yup, it was that kind of day when you just wanted to get out in the fresh air for a while. I'm glad you got your bike ride in.

  2. nice day! love that old barn and the house is gorgeous. what a fine ending to a great day! your animal babies are looking good!

  3. 45! That's pretty darn good.
    Dinner looks delicious, and of course you need brownies!

  4. in lovely dreams I am guest on your farm, and petter of the cats, admirer of the horses. content.

    bless you!

    Aloha to you
    from Honolulu!

    Comfort Spiral



  5. I loved your bike ride! What a sad story though about the owner of that beautiful barn. Loved the pic of L'Orange stretching in the cat condo. They look so comfy - what a great idea that was! And, yes, my dad made wine with a couple other friends. Boutique wine, not available to the public. Family and friends. We were very sad when he stopped as they made excellent stuff.

  6. What a wonderful day - loved the bike ride through the "neighborhood" - your shots are great!

    and the food, ah the food... :)

  7. Love your header with the horse peeping around the corner. You must be fit cycling around such a big block in cold weather. Great shots and dinner makes my mouth water.

  8. Hope there's not much traffic on those roads you're biking on . . . Love the 'bigga' salad and pasta and brownie. Mmmmm, mmm.

  9. Your yucca plant should be your barometer for weather-I love the pix you've taken of it over this past winter!

    That bike ride looks mighty pretty...I can't believe how lovely and flat it is out there for riding a bike and taking in the views! Everything here feels pretty much straight up and then straight down!

    Hope you had a nice night!

  10. Hi Lori!
    What a beautiful post and life!
    All simple pleasures out weight the greatest luxuries don't they?
    Thank you for joining us at Dandelion House!
    See you tomorrow for the hop?!
    Deborah Jean
    PS. this post made me hungry!

  11. Great pictures of where you rode. Nice that you got out for a spin. Everyone looks very contented and that brownie looks like something I would die for right now.

  12. Hi Lori!
    There will be an entry for the linky party entry form on my blog and Verde Farms blog tomorrow am. Just come by and enter a link!
    Thanks for joining!


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