Thursday, March 31, 2011


This new follower describes herself as a Homeschool Mom/Artist.  From looking at her fabulous blog ( ....creative seeds for your homemaking hands, heart and soul... I believe she does not live too far from Cape Cod.  She and Amy (Verde Farm) are going to combine Farmgirl Friday and Farm Friend Friday co-hosting the blog hops starting tomorrow.  It's an interesting much to see and learn.

Thank you for finding my Journal.  I love your Chicken Coop!!!!


  1. Hi Lori (& Deborah!),

    Love your flower shot Lori. Isn't it a relief to see signs of Spring?
    I also wanted to thank you for participating in my giveaway. it was fun.
    ; )

  2. It sounds like Deborah has a lovely blog, I have to check it out. Hope all is well on your farm. And this is just what I like about greeting new followers.--Inger

  3. Crocuses! Hurray! And thanks for the new link--did you see that neat hen house?

  4. I enjoy new followers too and finding new blogs--Because just as your blog does, it opens a door to a glimpse into someones life that I find so much more interesting than my own!

  5. Awww, Thanks Lori! I was happy to see your entry today on the hop! I'm a horse lover too and I enjoy watching yours! thanks so much for the warm welcome! Love your crocus.. ours are buried in snow... Quite the April fools joke isn't it???
    Enjoy this day and thank you for following!


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