Wednesday, February 9, 2011



It looked nice....
but it sure didn't feel so great!

The wind was howling.  I put on long underwear, a T-neck, sweatshirt, 2 pair of sweat pants, heavy socks, a thick jacket with the hood over my hat, a scarf and my Muckboots.

The strong wind was doing me in.

Can you see those snow spouts?

Fortunately, the sun made an appearance making it somewhat bearable for the ponies.  The stockade fence on the outside of the old paddock fence blocked the wind pretty the hay didn't blow all over the place.

They all had a sheets on top of their blankets.

I finished chores up in time to take a shower before going to chorus.  We accomplished quite a bit.  So behind since last Wednesday was a snow day and we got cancelled.

I'd say we have enough snow.....

The pups did not stay out too long today.

I love the different shades of blue and violet when the sky is so brilliant.


Back home for lunch.  L'orange spent some time in the house.

I'm very happy with the way Gucci and Phoebe have accepted him.

We had egg salad (with green olives and a little onion) sandwiches for lunch.

Then, I started on dinner.  Made some yellow split pea soup.

Carrots, celery, onion, soaked which we added half a slice of cubed ham fried with 2 more onions.

Gary finished making it while I did evening chores.

Phoebe and Gucci stuck with me the whole time.

I was done with everything in about 35 minutes.

Made a salad when I got in.  Leaf lettuce, onion, 1 pear, 1 apple and craisins topped with crumbly blue.

The soup turned out great.

Had a nice multi-grain roll on the side.

Time to go out by the fire.
Night all.


  1. Looks like a great dinner! We've got one more very cold day and then things are looking up.

  2. Hello Skoog’s, another beautiful day with gorgeous photos. I would say you really have the snow. It is amazing how much. We are getting a little bit tonight and it’s really pretty. The soup and salad look wonderful. Glad you had a good day :)

  3. That soup looks lovely. But, I'd want the bowl filled alllll the way up to the top with the delicious stuff.

  4. Love the photo with the snow spout! And it's good to see L'Orange adjusting to indoor/outdoor life. The pups are angels.

  5. Gorgeous photos -- I know what you mean about it being deceiving today. We had sun and no wind -- but it only reach about 11 degrees.

    Your lunch and dinner looks delicious. I love egg salad. :)

  6. Hi Lori I'd say you've had enough snow. I love your header photo of the pups. And of course, love strolling through the yard and your gorgeous house with you. You always have such yummy and healthy meals. I could scoop the salads off the screen, LOL! Have a great day. Blessings, Jo

  7. First time here. I don't remember how I got here but maybe you left a comment on my one my blogs about combining them all into one...?

    I really like what you do and your photos too. Amazing collection of images, to me, that once again proves beyond a shadow of doubt that farmers work hard to keep what they got.

    Amen to that.

  8. So much snow! We have 3 degrees here this morning and so not typical for KY. Glad to see that L'Orange came inside for a bit.

  9. Ciao, bella horses and dogs and cats; ciao, bella skies and food. Stay warm, mm?

  10. Yummmm...that soup looks fantastic. Yes, that wind is a pain. We have been lucky lately with a lower wind speed. Your snow is really piling up. Hopefully warmer weather is around the corner. Oh yeah and MUD. BLAH.

  11. Sounds like perfect weather for split pea soup. -- and not much else!


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