Monday, February 21, 2011


How thrilled was I, to have to wear long underwear and two pair of sweatpants this morning?

Cold, VERY windy, and a windchill of +1.  So tired of it.

Once again, I put King Mustafa in the run-in so the other 3 horses could get under the shed roof and out of the wind without be chased.

It was blowing in from the east, so the barn served as a buffer.

When I was ready to go back to the house, Mustafa was let out with the others.

We only got 3 or 4 inches of snow last night, but with the blowing....the whole driveway had to be shoveled.  Gary did most of it.






...and I spent much of the day near the fire.

I went online and tried to find a "dashiki" (African shirt) that would be appropriate for our Skoog Farm Drum Jam group so we can look like an ensemble should we ever perform.

At 5:30 I bundled up and went out to do evening chores.  This was not a picture taking day....

When I got back in we had a nice dinner.  Meatloaf, baked potatoes and a salad.

Red romaine, onion, a little red cabbage, craisins and 1 ginger gold apple (my new favorite)...put a little extra sharp cheddar cheese on top.
(99% of the time I use Good Seasons Italian dressing made with cider vinegar (with a little balsamic) and a combo of olive and canola oil).  It's perfect with fruit or vegetables.

No break in the weather 'til Thursday.  Too bad for us.
Time for a cupa tea.  Night all.


  1. We're back in the freezer as well. Not as cold as you, but still not friendly for being outside. As always, the salad looks amazing!

  2. Oh Lori, I'm sorry about your cold weather. My best clothing tip is Carhartt bib overalls with a quilted lining. I put them on over my pants and top, put a jacket on, and I can survive the coldest weather.

  3. Sounds like you had the exact same weather we did. This is getting really old, I'm so ready for springtime.

    All your animals look toasty warm in the house and that fire looks inviting.

  4. Nothing wrong with hangin by the fire all day...the animals have the right idea:-)

  5. You poor things. It must be like living in a freezer with a wind blowing in. I must say the pets all look warm and cosy inside. Nice salad. You could write a salad recipe book, with all your different concoctions.

  6. Ugh, Saturday's snow was the worst down in Avon. We got clobbered and it blew sideways. I sure wasn't expecting it. It even took down my run-in shelter *grumble*

    Be sure to share your stories with us every Tuesday!

  7. Winter is getting old isn't it? It own't be too much longer and we will be complaining of the mud and rain! Onwards to April showers and May flowers!

  8. The snow missed us, but we did get rain. I hope you get a break soon! Your fire looks so comforting.

  9. So cold at yours ! Hope the spring hurries

  10. Your lounging pets are making me sleeeeepy.

  11. The supper sounds wonderful, the weather not so much.


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