Sunday, January 16, 2011


Very cold, but no wind.   With Barb's help, we flew through chores.

Gucci stayed in the barn with me and Phoebe went back in the house.

L'orange wandered out, but I didn't get any pictures of him.  Last night Thor (below) went into the basement and was causing a ruckus.  They kept waking me up.

Just can't handle winter this year...

I went to the basement to check on Bermuda.  He was at the top of the stairs in his bed.

Below is Thor (has a bobbed tail)!  He is huge and hisses at me if I go near him.  L'orange and he don't seem to like each other at all.   Thinks he owns the joint.  Just what I need...another cat.  I have no idea where he comes from, but this is about the 5th year he has shown up.  Only in the winter.

At 1pm we had to be in Hamlin for a Memorial Service being held for a 43 year old friend of our oldest daughter.  One of the most incredible turn outs I have ever seen...maybe 600 or more.  The church was packed and there were people standing everywhere.  A real testimonial to what he meant to his family and friends.   It sure makes you stop and think.  During the service the sun broke through the grey day and streamed through the stained glass windows.

 On  the way home, the sky was getting clearer and clearer.

 Main Street in the village was pretty quiet.


Almost home.

 Can you see through those dirty spots on my windshield?  (Gary was driving).

Home a little after 4.

Barb showed up for chores as the sun started going down.

Gary started up the fire...I want to finish a book and do nothing.

Right now it is barely 10 degrees...may go down to 3 tonight.

Glad I don't have chore duty.
Night all.  I'm signing off early.


  1. Beautiful shots! Love that Thor comes in when he needs some help in the winter.

  2. eep teh faith Lori. The light is coming back!

  3. It sounds like you had an exhausting day. Enjoy your cuppa and your book. Beautiful pictures (as always).

  4. Does your painting "Lady in the Red Hat" have a name? It would be a lovely notecard!

  5. Thor is one big cat !! holy cow!

    Lovely sunshine streaming... and what a tribute indeed. I'm sorry for your loss.

  6. Beautiful day in photos. Nice of you to share it.

  7. There's nothing better than home-sweet-home, especially after a hard day.

  8. Hi Lori. Lovely photoes, but it looks as if you're still in the depths of winter there. I've just been outside to my forge, and although it's raining the thermometer shows 50 degrees Fahrenheit / 10 degrees Centigrade. Nice and mild for January.

  9. I love the pics of leafless trees in the snow. I couldn't stand it that cold and I wouldn't be Thor's friend either.

  10. With those temps, I wouldn't want chore duty either. Just sitting by the fire would be fine with me.

  11. One of the challenges of winter, which you capture so well, is that it goes on. . .and on. . .and on! Soon I am escaping for southern climes, but I will beam you sunshine.

  12. We finally got a break from the snow and cold. I hope you get one soon! Sounds like Thor needs a little snip at the vet's office. Ha. He is a handsome guy. Bermuda looks so content on his bed.

  13. I'm with ya Lori dear...been a toughie for mee much so that blogging is way too much focus!

    Thought I'd catch up a bit with you all and give you a cheer...tonight it remained lighter longer and it just plain felt like hope-for me at least!

    So glad that you have that dear blessing Barb! your service for the departed one sounds like a teatiment to a good life..though young he left us. All your photo's of the sky and rive were delicious...of course Gary was driving..that made me when I have shots from the can tisk tisk me...cause I'm driving!

    That Thor does look like an old TOM to me too...but, at least he has you, for the winters..tough life, being a TOM!


  14. I'm with you, I just can't handle winter this year. I avoid going outside unless absolutely necessary.


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