Monday, January 17, 2011


Well, it was -10 this morning!

The dogs and cats went in the fenced in yard for a couple of minutes and came back in the house.  It's a good thing we had some strong sunshine today.

Everything was "frosted."

For some reason, Barb was here extra early...I thought she may have had the day off.  She had Mustafa all set up for the run-in, cleaned his stall and set up hay for tonight...then she went to work.  I had to go back in the house to put on another layer of sweat pants over my long underwear and the sweats I was already wearing.  Two pair of gloves....

Mustafa headed for the pasture instead of his hay.

It took him awhile to get back to it.

Maybe he just wanted to be in the sun.

I put a pile in the pasture.
Come on boy!
Well, maybe....

Gary helped me finish the stalls.

Yes Terry...more of those Colorado skies.

 When everything was finished in the barn, I let Mustafa back out with the other horses.  He liked that.

Now, my three can start off eating in peace, before he joins them.

After a little shoveling, I let the dogs out for a few minutes.  They ran around like crazy....had to have cold feet.

Seymour and Sid didn't last all that long either.

Below is their secret hideout.  The ornamental grass was pounded down by the snow, leaving just enough room for them to have a little cave.

I spent hours trying to set up a new blog for my note cards.  You can click on it from my sidebar, tho they are not quite ready to go on sale yet.  Check it out.

As it is Monday night, we will be having dinner with Jen and the boys.  I'll finish this later.

And what a great dinner it was!

spinach salad

marinated turkey loin

you guessed it....peas

and mashed potatoes.....

humor....har har.....

The meal was delicious.

We played a little Junior Scrabble and headed home.

Jen got a camera for her computer and we set up Skype.  Now our grandkids can communicate face to face.

That's all she wrote....Night all.


  1. At least you have a bit of sunshine with the cold. Cold here and no sun!

  2. Looks like it was a beautiful day even though bitterly cold.

  3. Looks like "rime" in the trees. I didn't see any in the village. You are out in the open. -10 has to be the coldest todate. Brrr... No wonder the kitties and pups wanted to go back in the warm house. Don't know how you do it everyday!

  4. You really, really captured the cold in your photos. Wow, great stuff. And I love the winter fur on your horses. It's still so warm here, we even have flies and bugs and the ground squirrels are forgetting to hibernate and sit out and sun themselves.--Inger

  5. Now that's just way tooo cold to be outside. The pictures are great though. Love those little pups.

  6. Yep, you got me!
    Yikes, it's cold there. Glad you have the sunshine, but I hope it warms up soon.


  8. You've been awarded the Stylish Blogger award. Stop by to get it.

  9. Brrrr. I can't even imagine that kind of cold. I nominated you for an award -- as I'm sure others did as well. I so enjoy your blog! The award is posted on my blog...

  10. So beautiful landscapes pictures ! A real moment of pleasure !

  11. The farm scenery with the horses, the blue sky and the frosty trees and snowy ground is quite stunning and very rare for me to see in real life.

  12. -10! BRRRRR.... Love the cat's hideout. Mustafa does look like he is trying to soak up some of that sun. Hope you get some warmer weather soon.

  13. That turkey loin looks awfully good! We're supposed to get lows down around -25 this week but we're promised it will go up to -1. Wooptee Dew! It does make for some nice "crisp" photos.

  14. What crispness you captured in that cold--brrr--and isn't it amazing what a difference the sunshine makes, no matter how cold? As usual, your food and those kids and cats and dogs and horses make for a cozy place for us viewers to visit.


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