Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Another reasonable morning.  L'orange thought it would be smart to balance on the board I use to cover the water trough.

 By the time the ponies got out in the paddock for some hay, the sun broke through.

 The ground was covered with a little powder and it got up to the mid 30s today.

 Pretty comfortable for January.


Looking past the back doors of the run-in, you can see how little snow is out there.

 Abbe...you can count on her to be waiting at the feed room door for some kind of treat.  Anything would be fine with her.

 Sidney was modeling for me again.

 I had a little more of the turkey breast left (defrosted yesterday) so I made turkey salad.  Celery, a little onion, and apple.

 Piled on some cranberries (and another slice of bread) and had me one fine sandwich for lunch.

 My class arrived at 2.  There were 4 students today.

 All were busy.

Good Morning Al!   (Do you remember Al - our friend the bird carver)?  Today Mel, who is working on the bird below, said that Al was reading my Journal after last weeks class and gave him some hot tips on his bird.  That's what friends are for....right?  So what do you think?

I tried to load up my pictures late afternoon so I could post this before I go out to play bridge tonight.
Just finished chores and will be leaving at 7.  Won't have the energy to do this at 11.

Night all.


  1. Great art work. I love to draw and paint but not near as good as these.

    Too cold for me! Our low has been about 10 and I have frozen. What will I do when it really gets cold?

  2. I love the way you take us on a journey through your day, always with some good food and an art class in there for good measure. I also love the header photo. That's beautiful.--Inger

  3. Mel's bird is beautiful - is it a cedar waxwing? Looks like your weather is holding for now.

  4. Good luck at bridge.
    I love the rear view. Too cute!
    I finally blogged about the mask - I think you were one who asked about it.

  5. Love the blanketed rump pictures and that sandwich looks to DIE FOR !!! I LOVE turkey and cranberry!

  6. Ditto on Jeni's comment above. My thoughts exactly.

  7. L'Orange is a stunningly looking cat. Does he let you pet him? Is he a cuddler?

    Your meals look divine! Is dinner your main meal? What do you usually have for lunch? You could write a post about the food in your day... with pictures as they are so great to look at. .. and I am sure they taste great, too.

  8. Nice pictures from the farm.
    Here we've started to work and run again.
    As the bus was crowded when it reached the bus stop, Le Cheval could not get in and so took the next one... And all is late (meal, homework...
    Just a pause on your blog before starting again... And write a better English. He got only 12/20 in English though I had helped him. So we must progress together. I have bought a method to prepare the TOEIC. Hope it won't be too hard.
    See you soon

  9. The top picture of Sidney is so cute. He looks like he is getting ready to pounce.

  10. L'Orange is such a character (as are all your animals, really). . .he reminds me of the cat in HATE THAT CAT (who ends up being appreciated, by the way).

    Also esp. love the bird drawings . . .

  11. So would you open 4NT? Haven't played in sooooo long.

  12. Oh, I wish I lived in your town (heck, at your house!) so I could come to art class...


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