Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Pony was put down at Midnight.  Here she was on Monday morning, looking her perky self.  You just don't know what is going to happen on any given day.  There was no way she was going to come out of this colic.  So, I turned all the horses out with her around 11 and they went into the indoor.  As  lousy as she felt, she would not leave Mustafa's side and was showing a gigantic heat.  What a way to go.  When Dr. Dwyer got here, Pony picked out a spot and went down under one of the overhead lights in the indoor.  She must have been ready to go....and made it as peaceful as possible for us.  She would have been 31 in a few months, and we had her for 30 of those years.  It won't be the same when I do chores in the morning.

Thanks to all of you who wished her well.


  1. Lori, my heart breaks for you. So quick and sudden is so hard to deal with yet maybe in the long run it was best. I am sure the rest of the crowd will be missing her at morning chores as well. I am so sorry for your loss.

  2. Oh, Lori, it is so hard to say good bye to a good friend....a member of the family. Thinking of you......

  3. I was afraid of that when I read your last post. I am so, so sorry - it is so hard to lose them, any time, but especially such a kind old soul such as Pony. She went quickly, like my Noble, which is a blessing. She was also blessed to have you there for her when she needed your help. Sending good wishes and thoughts.

  4. Peace be with you Dearheart - no words will suffice right now.

  5. Lori, I'm so very sorry. You will be in my thoughts and prayers all day today. Hugs! -Karen Martz

  6. So sorry to hear about pony. I'm glad it was peaceful in the end. You will miss her after 30 years. You have my sympathy.

  7. My tears speak for me.

    Pony is galloping in a beautiful green pasture, pain free.

  8. I'm so sorry to hear this, but Pony must have known it was time.

    She awaits on the other side for you and her friends.

  9. Lori----I am thinking of you as you remember Pony----It's like losing a member of your family---When I was an English major in college, I read the most beautiful poem by James Dickey---It is " A Heaven for Animals " and helped me when I lost one of my precious pets. Pony certainly is part of that heaven----Sara

  10. I'm so sorry Lori. She had a good life with you. Your beautiful little pony is now resting in peace. Bless her heart, my tears are for you.

  11. That da*n colic! I'm so very sorry that you have lost Pony.

    Those of us who have forever horses forge a special bond with them, different, but just as sweet, as those we form with our dogs and cats. They are with us for so long that, when they leave, the hole that they leave is huge, and it takes a long time before the lovely memories fill them up, and love softens the edges. She will be waiting for you at the Bridge.

  12. The beauty and wonder of this world has been reduced by one pony -- a loss felt in every fibre.


  13. It is hard to love a beloved member of the family. Take care of yourself.

  14. Oh, Lori, I am so sorry to hear about Pony. I know you will have a big hole in your heart for a long time. She is no longer in pain now. 31 years old!! Amazing! She was with you longer than most people stay married. I hope you have a wonderful time with your family this Christmas despite your loss of Pony.

  15. Tears are running down my face. I so hoped she would make it. 30 years together -- wow. What a life you gave her. Hugs to you -

  16. Oh Lori, I missed your previous post and just saw this one now. I am so sorry for the loss of dear Pony. Imagine having her for 30 years. Words cannot ease the heartache and pain of your loss now but Pony is in a better place. I pray for peace in your family and at the farm during this Christmas. Bless you my dear friend. (((hugs))) Jo

  17. Our deepest sympathy, Lori. She was such a character.
    Much love, Ann and Mike.

  18. I am so sorry for your loss. (hug)

  19. Lori, I'm so deeply sorry for the loss of this old dear friend. May her memory be a blessing, always present to remind you of love.

  20. So sorry to have read this Lori. How heartbroken you must've been. I am sending you a very big, very big ((hug)) dear friend. Know that she led a wonderful life with you and for that she lived well. Blessings love....

  21. I'm so sorry for your loss Lori. It's so hard losing our babies. You gave Pony an awesome, long life and she was so lucky to have you. Thirty years is a long time and I know it won't be easy not having her there, but do try to remember your happy times together. We're here for you. Hugs!

  22. Lori, I read your post this morning about Pony, but didn't have time to leave a comment. I wanted to tell you how very sorry I am for your loss. A friend of mine also recently lost her horse for the same reason--Knowing what she went through I know what you did as well and how difficult it was...I hope you're able to find comfort in your memories that you will always have in your heart of Pony that no one will ever be able to take away.

    I do hope you and your family have a wonderful and enjoyable holiday!

  23. Lori, it's never easy to say goodbye. But what a blessing to have such a great pony for all those years. I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you, Cindy

  24. Dear Lori!
    I am very sad to hear about pony. Missing Pony will be hard, and every day. I'm also so very happy that pony lived with you and enjoyed your loving care~ for so long!
    That truly is inspiring.
    Sweetest Pony running in green fields, at rest, and eating all the lush grasses now.
    Will miss you!
    (((Hugs Lori)))

  25. Lori, I am very sorry for you loss of Pony. She had a most wonderful life with you. Hugs to you.


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