Thursday, November 4, 2010


This was one of those days...started out a little warmer...ended up raining off and on so the ponies needed their rain sheets.

That way, they could stay out in it all day.

They did not come in from the pastures until late afternoon, not willing to get in a run-in or go under the shed roof.

Gucci was happy to brave the weather, but Phoebe chose to stay in the house and lounge.

It looked like the typical November day.

I don't know what Seymour does each morning, but Sidney follows me to the barn and everywhere I go.  This was his debut in the indoor arena.


This afternoon Jenny had parent conferences so Finn and Coop spent the afternoon with us.  I made them some brownies.

Yesterday I picked the remaining eggplant and green Gary cut up the latter, and sauteed them so they could be frozen for use later in omlettes or on pizza etc..  Can't stand the thought of wasting them.

The boys spent some time playing with their cars, relaxing on the couch in front of the fire and watching a little Disney.

By the time Jenny returned, the brownies were frosted and topped with our own walnuts.  Classic.
Finn and Coop had great reports from their teachers.

And Gayle (from the White House in Alaska)...there was time to play Sequence.  Today Gayle posted photos of her kids playing this game.  She bought it for them after I posted photos of us playing time after time.  It's easy and fun.

Went out to do chores a little early, to get the ponies out of the weather.  Left the lights on for Barb.

The rest of my buddies were all happy to be in the warm house.

Dinner was leftovers...this time baked potatoes instead of noodles.

Seeing that I am not back to normal yet (!!!!!!!!!!!), I am going to put on my PJs and crawl into bed with my hot water bottle.

Night all.


  1. My Paj will not go out if there's a drop of rain. He thinks he might melt.
    Your fire looks so cozy, and the brownies look delicious. Hope you feel 100% soon.

  2. A hot water bottle sounds yummy. My mom used to have those when I was a kid, but I haven't had one since. I'm going to watch the store for one...

    I'm so glad we got the game. When Nick was little we played games every night before bed. (We are a bit too competitive for most, but we have fun). We quit doing this when he got so heavy into hockey. Now that we aren't we have more free time and it is fun to get back to board games and away from tv.

    Ohh, the rain looks chilly and can't be much fun when you are sick. I hope you are back to normal soon.

  3. I'm with Phoebe, stay in the warm house all day. Sorry to hear you still not tip top. Those boys sure are clever.

  4. I'd love to have your Brownie recipe. Hope you feel better soon.


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