Monday, November 1, 2010


It was a little over 30 when I went out to the barn....didn't put on any blankets or sheets as I thought it was going to warm up....but it didn't.
So I dragged everything out to the pasture and put them on.
L'orange was perched outside the upstairs loft...that's way up there!
He is starting to look real good.

After finishing chores, I dragged the paddock and outdoor arena.

Can you see how much Sidney has grown?
After lunch I drove down to Brockport.  One of our locally owned grocery stores is closing it's doors and they are liquidating everything in the building.  A sad time for this community.  The Ryan's have been extremely generous during their 22 years of business.
The sun was out this afternoon, but it still felt very cold to me.

Once a week I would like to make dinner for Jenny and the boys...and this was to be the night.
I decided to prepare good old fashioned chicken and biscuits.  First I threw 4 boneless chicken breasts, 4 carrots, 4 stalks of celery and 2 onions in a pot of water.  When everything was soft, I drained the goodies and reserved the broth.

Next,  I made a white sauce...added the reserved chicken stock (plus some boullion), a little white wine and 1 small can of cream of chicken soup.  Once it thickened, I put the chicken, carrots, celery and onions back into the mix.

At the end, I added frozen peas and some sour cream.

 The final step...made biscuits from Bisquick.  Important!!!  Place chicken and gravy in the oven at 375 until it is bubbling....THEN, drop the biscuit batter directly on top...raise the temp to 400 and bake until the top starts to turn brown.

I served it with a side of mashed potatoes and a big salad.

Dessert?  Jenny and the boys made chocolate chip cookies that we turned into sandwiches with Turkey Hill all natural vanilla ice cream.

Gary had a meeting and the rest of us went out to the barn.

In no time, we had everything done.

Jenny and Cooper went in to have a chat with Masterpiece.  He was our first now 31 and suffers from a very arthritic knee that he can hardly bend.

He eats like a champ and hangs tough.  ( I can't stand the orbs showing up in these barn shots).

In the old days he could do it all.  At one show he took first place in Western and English Pleasure...Jenny may have been 12 or 13.  This is her boy.

Finn wanted to pay a visit to King Mustafa.

Jen and the boys left, Gar was still at his buddies and I cooled it by the fire.

Tried watching Dancing With the Stars in between posting.  Jennifer G. redeemed herself big time.

I think I am making a comeback...must have been all that fresh air this morning.
Night all.


  1. Glad you are feeling better. You all look rugged up for the cold wather. It must be nice to hang out around the fire. Dinner looked scrumptious. I've never heard of the bicuit mix that you put on top but it sure looked delicious.
    I've had another go at following I hope it works this time.

  2. It's a shame they didn't have some buyers to keep the store going, but I bet after 22 years they are ready to retire and head off for a new adventure.

    Everyone looked very cozy by the fire with you.

  3. Love all your pictures. The kitties are adorable and getting big. It's crispy here too but we haven't put on blankets yet. Must be arena dragging day, I did the same thing.

    Your chicken biscuits look delicious, I'm going to try them soon. Thanks for the recipe.

  4. Glad you're feeling better. L'orange is a bold explorer.


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