Thursday, November 18, 2010


It was not raining when I went out to the barn....

Not all that pretty either....

The paddocks were a disaster, so I put the hay on my trusty little sled and dragged it out to the back pasture (which was fine).

The outdoor arena was under water once again!  Why are we having such extremes?  No bike ride two days in a row.

At noon I met my friend Marcia down at the Stoneyard for lunch.  She will be moving to her new home in New Hampshire and wanted to treat me and say thanks for getting her involved with art (another one of my past students).

We took our time and caught up on all the local scoop.

The village delivered two dump trucks of leaves for Gary to use as mulch on his garlic.  He has been pushing a wheel barrow for two days.

I managed to prime the bottom of my drum.  Want to have it done before Saturday.

Other than that it was not a very productive afternoon.

The pups and I vegged.  Arlene and Randy invited us to dinner, so I did not have to prepare anything.

Went out to do chores at 5 and it was dark, cold and quiet.

 King Mustafa was waiting at the gate.

In spite of the weather, Seymour and Sid spent the entire day outside (or in the basement or the barn or wherever).  They were ready to come in by 5:30.  Fed them, Phoebe and Gucci....and we were off to Hamlin.

Arlene keeps this tree in her dining room and decorates it according to the season...Currently it has a fall theme.

We had an outstanding dinner and I did not take one picture....duh.  Played a little Sequence.  Arlene and I won for a change.

We left at 9 and it was pouring!  Love the night lights in the village.

Home again....home again.
Night all.


  1. Is does feel like snow, here too. I thought that you had already put up your Christmas tree, until I read the caption.

  2. We are warm again but it's oh so windy. I love that brick building!

  3. Gray cold clouds are scurrying across the sky east damp wind.
    An ice storm is predicted for Sunday.
    What IS with this weather?

  4. Enjoy your blog & photos!


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