Thursday, November 25, 2010


Look who was here this morning...working her butt off...again.  Anytime Barb has a day off, she is here by 7:30 doing everything that needs to be done (and it's not even Saturday).

Gary even came out to help us and we were done in no time.

The dynamic duo joined us too...they didn't care that it was in the 20s.

Sidney is pretty much back to normal....

Gary split some we could keep the stove going all day.

I went in and started on our Thanksgiving dinner.  Cleaned the turkey, made stuffing, set the table, went to the store to get a couple of things....  Only 7 of us for dinner tonight...the smallest number ever.

While I was in the kitchen, I watched the Dog Show.  After that I got on the couch and watched a Meryl Streep movie.  Why not...everything was in control.

Around 4 I went out and opened up the indoor for the was a little spitty outside.  No takers.

By 4:30 Jenny, Coop and Finn arrived along with Nana Pat (who made a pot of French onion soup for our first course).  We had already started with an artichoke and cheese spread with crackers.

The soup was delicious.  Randy arrived just in time to join us.

I had started on the squash and mashed potatoes...the asparagus was all done...just needed to take out the turkey and put in the dry stuffing....and make the gravy.

Jenny and the boys got into a game of scrabble.

Nana Pat took pictures...she has a great camera!

 Then it was time to eat.

We had...turkey, stuffing, gravy, squash, asparagus, cranberry orange relish, cranberry sauce and waldorf salad.   Everything tasted great.

Finn and Coop were into the turkey and mashed potatoes...not all that other stuff.

Jenny made two pies for dessert....pumpkin and pecan.

Gucci looks the way I feel....

I don't know if I can even stand to go out by the fire...totally pooped.

Night all.  Boy am I full.


  1. OH What lovely times and I could barely look at the still so stuffed!
    Hope al is well with the kitties! Poinsettias(sp?) are poisonous to them. I could never have them in the male cat wanted to die..always tried to eat them!

    Hope today is a goodie for you, will look for the news later tomorrow~
    GIVE that BARB a huge hug for me too..she is a GEM!

  2. I'm going to be the wheelbarrow lady tomorrow at the farm I work at! Glad you had a nice holiday!

  3. Looks like a pleasant and low-key Thanksgiving. No football? Just kidding. The men watched the game, but I missed most of it in the kitchen. :( We tried to watch the late game on the computer, but our internet is so glitchy. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  4. That looks a superb meal, Lori. I like your remark about the boys sticking to turkey and potatoes. Children can be ultra conservative over food. Looks like the start of a good game of scrabble, too.
    Warm regards, Mike and Ann.
    P.s. wP.s. ref your scrabble game, what's a 'rur'?

  5. What a heavenly Thanksgiving Dinner..... made with so many different ingredients and so much hands and so much love....FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!
    Hmmmm....I smell the flavour of your stuffed tukey........!!!!

    (I bet you eat today just a yogurt....?)

    What a wonderful day, Thanksgiving's really a loooong time ago I had a Thanksgivingevening!
    In Italy we don't celebrate it, such a pitty....!

    Your little "granboys"are very handsome...!!

    ciao ciao elvira

  6. From the pictures I see that you passed it beautifully.

  7. Glad you had a happy Thanksgiving. Even with "only" 7 for dinner, you made a feast. Rest up.

  8. I'm jealous. My family didn't even make a Thanksgiving dinner this time. Sigh. Oh and I missed the darn dog show! Grr! I completely forgot about it.

    Oh well. I'm glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It looks like so much fun!

  9. P.P.S. Please ignore my question regarding your scrabble game - 'What's a rur?' I've worked it out. It's obviously a noise somewhere between a motor cycle and a happy cat.
    Cheers, Mike.

  10. Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Glad you liked the drum. My husband did play with it as a child.

  11. Looks like you had a lovely Thanksgiving. I love the picture of Gucci, she mirrors not only you but a lot of us Thanksgiving chefs.

  12. thanks for sharing the pics, enjoyed peeking in. I only had two sons and three grandkids here...smallest celebration for us too.


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