Saturday, September 25, 2010


Look who was back this morning.  Barb brought along "Dumbo," a chihuahua she is babysitting for the 2nd weekend in a row.  His name is all wrong...expecially the "dum" part.  Don't you think he should be called something like Charles "Little" Dickens or something like that?

Pretty cool...never even hit 60...grey, breezy...nothin' special.  Barb helped with chores and we finished up by 9am.

When I got back to the house, Bermuda seemed interested in socializing and actually stayed on the porch with Sidney and Seymour for a little while.  He is not nearly as nasty as he was before.

Gary informed me that Jenny requested some pictures of Finn at his flag football tournament this morning, so I changed my clothes and grabbed my camera.  It was held at a park in nearby Clarkson and the place was packed!  I had not seen Finn in action until today.  He is quite a jock for his age.

Cooper and Jen were on the sidelines and Kevin was coaching.

They lost the game we watched...I could not believe the arm on the quarterback for the other team!

Are these kids too young for organized sports?  Is playing 3 games in 3 hours more than they can really handle?  Can't they just learn and have fun?  Should competition be that important?

This was homecoming weekend at the college.  Gary went down to work in the press box, calling out plays to the broadcaster.  At halftime we (Golden Eagles) were leading 14 to 7.  He called me with 6 minutes left to play in the 1st half so I could check out the half-time activities.  I had to go to the store to pick up carrots (for the horses) and cat food...the pups went with me.  Never thought we could get remotely near the stadium, but I drove to the crowded parking lot and voila...there was a tight little spot waiting for me.  Fortunately I had collars and leashes with me...grabbed my camera and we headed over.
Gary is in the lower left section of the press box.
Above is Dan Stinebiser...he is responsible for recruiting Gary.

Many faculty, current and past, attend the games.

Today the stadium was named the EUNICE KENNEDY SHRIVER STADIUM, as by holding the 1979 Special Olympics here, it was greatly impacted by the Kennedy family.  She, Teddy, Ethel, Sargent Shriver, their children, and many celebrities were here.  Gary was in charge of thousands of volunteers.  We got to have lunch with Hank Aaron.  Ali, Christopher Reeves, Phil Donahue, Susan St.James, Sally Struthers, and many more were supporting the cause.

These guys played their hearts out and ended up losing 24-21.

A little princess was trying out her magic at the game.

 Below is Jim VanDusen.  He has been the college's official photographer for over 30 years and is about to retire.  His work has always been top notch.

There was a lot of spirit in the stands.

Gucci and Phoebe were a hit with the college kids.

By the time I left the campus, the skies were finally clearing up.

Stopped at Wegmans on the way home.  Since it was a cool day (and all the windows were partly open) Gucci and Phoebe were able to wait in the car while I picked up what I needed.

I prepared a homemade pizza and salad for dinner.  Picked up hundreds of walnuts and chased Sidney, who was hiding in the bamboo again.

Tomorrow, drumming.
Night all.


  1. What an action filled day:)) Is Bermuda having a hard time accepting the new kittens? Because I got a kitten and my "old" cat is still hissing and growling :( Can I hope for that to calm down?

  2. I think you have an energy reserve somewhere that we all would be very jealous of if we saw you in action. Whew! You are always busy and I thought I was...

    The 1979 special Olympics must have been something to be there.

    I'm enjoying catching up. I probably won't comment on each post though but I"ll be going through until I'm caught up.


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