Sunday, June 20, 2010


I keep waking up early! This morning the sun was painting the indoor and it was before 6:30.
Barb and Gary helped with chores. We (Barb and I) moved some mats around to make PC more comfortable.

When we finished, I took a shower and drove down to Java. Gary was waiting for me and we had breakfast.

One of my students from High School was having a show there. He must be in his 30's now and has been producing a lot of work.

Bobbie had lots of goodies around, but I had poached eggs on whole wheat toast with homefries and a small oj.

When we left to go over to the market, there were a couple of bikes parked out front. Good subject matter.

This was the opening day.... and this year it is located right next to the canal. The boaters are going to love it.
Early in the season, there is not a large variety of produce...but it's a start. Today we bought tomatoes, strawberries and cheese.

The village was looking good in the bright sunlight.

Now this was interesting! A young man had two labs in harnesses attached by a leash to the front of his bike.
They pulled him and were at a full run...just like sled dogs...went flying over the Main Street bridge.

Can you see the HAPPY FATHER'S DAY sign in the Lift Bridge window?

I walked back to my car and headed home.

Stopped at the carwash and vacuumed my car.

Since it was the grand opening of Country Max, I went in to see if there were any deals.
These two beautiful dogs were there...brothers.
Got a good deal on Safe Choice and picked up a bag of hay cubes.

After lunch I mowed around the pastures. And while Gary had duty at the Welcome Center...
I managed to mow a couple of the pastures. Buttercups and daisies....tons!
The horses spent a lot of time in the shade.

Barb did evening chores. Nice.

I made a special dinner for Father's Day...

Sauted some onions and mushrooms....carmalized....white wine.
Made some biscuits for strawberry shortcake...
Baked potatoes, green beans and Gar grilled a couple of fillet sized steaks.
I forgot to take a picture of the shortcake before it was half gone. Tasted great!
Jenny stopped up with a card and gift for her Dad.
Lots of chatter, then Gar went out and weeded gardens until it was almost dark.

Almost time to go put the ponies in.
Night all.


  1. Looks like a fine day! Love the Goldens - we still miss our Sunny.

  2. Beautiful day, and, as usual, you packed lots into it. Have a great day today. It's supposed to be another great one.

  3. I hope that the Labradors know where they are going. Your farmer's market looks fantastic!

  4. I think getting labs to pull a bike is a smashing idea. In the sixties I had an English setter (Humphrey, a big silvery grey job) who would gladly have pulled a cart. When walking him (and I had to use a choke chain) he frequently tried to pull my arm out of its socket. He was incredibly good natured, and totally bone-headed.
    Cheers, Mike.

  5. LOVE the dogs. All of them, but especially the bike :-D. Fantastic looking meal always.


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