Monday, April 19, 2010


Dream...last week.

I follow a blog called Magical Places on Tuscany's Coast. This morning I looked at Elvira Pajarola's post, which included several black and white shots of her horse...a grey Arabian. It made me want to go out and get more serious about my photography. So, I may start doing a lot of are my first efforts.
Babe's Opal, better known as Pony.

Glen Aberlour....Abbe.


King Mustafa.

King Mustafa.

Masterpiece of '79...alias PC.

Berlin again.

Dream (earlier photo).
I have a Canon PowerShot SX20IS. No opportunity for different lenses, but I want to learn to take it to the max. Maybe it would help if I would read the book of directions that came with it.


  1. Lovely header there.

    I just got lightroom 2, awesome program but you gotta shoot in RAW to get the full effects.

  2. Great shots!!

    I also follow the Tuscany blog. Doesn't she have amazing photos?? I could never be that good lol.

  3. GRAZIE MILLE, CARA LORI..... too much glory for me; I am so flattered......;( and I am always learning and experimenting too!!!)

    ...ALL MY COMPLIMENTS....: what great and fascinating shots of the wonderful horses heads...!
    Did you see the incredible difference from colour to b&w ; specially of the white beauty...????
    The b&w just makes her even more beautiful and the brown horses get an incredibly "elegant and sophisticated touch".... even our loved horses are of course magnificient in colour!!!

    I think, searching always the light "around" and not "on" the animal gives so much more life and enhances their beauty!!

    ciao ciao elvira

  4. I'd like to improve my photography too, and you are very inspirational - I'm also not good about reading the manuals for cameras, which I also should do.

  5. Very pretty. I like the one of Berlin, but they are all wonderful! Sometimes it is good to just throw away the directions and experiment on your own. Of course, sometimes that can also get you in trouble.


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