Saturday, February 6, 2010


Very cold this morning...grey, windy...needed to cover my face to keep warm.

Fed the ponies in the front paddock, but the wind was coming from the wrong direction.

Gary helped me with chores before he went down to Java for coffee.

The dogs went in before I was finished.

"Hurry up! It's cold out here!"

Dream has on her own blanket again, Barb switched it as it fits better than the other one.

I did not go off the property today. Made some egg salad for lunch and got hooked on a movie.

Decided to start working on some valentines for our grandkids. I have a lot of blank cards and envelopes and have glued on some wrapping paper. Tomorrow I will finish them.

You see that fire? I was so stuck there today...had no desire to do anything that involved cold.

This was the temperature....with the wind it was much worse.

I went out to do chores around 5 and the wind had died down. Got chores done quickly and was back in the house by 5:30.

Phoebe went in early and Gucci waited for me to pick the paddock.

I've been such a bum today! Now I am hooked on "The DaVinci Code."

Perhaps things will be a little more exciting tomorrow. Night all.


  1. It's been in the 20s and low 30s here for the past few days, which is just right for outdoor activities. But all that outdoor stuff has drained me and I think I am off to bed now.

  2. It is a wonderful book too.

    Too cold for me, can you even imagine being out in this all the time?

  3. I was thinking about making some cards as well, but there are so many other things to do and I've been under the weather. Your cards look very nice. I would hate the wind you talk of. We have almost zero wind and I love it.

  4. It seems very cold at yours And you're fine.
    Here, it's about 50°F at midday and the children are ill : gastroenteritis. There is an epidemy all over there. Fortunately, it's the beginning of the winter holidays. So, they won't miss the class.
    Hope you'lle have more sunny weather.
    See you soon

  5. Just what a winter weekend should be. It sounds lovely to me.

  6. Lori, I needed to visit Skoog Farm today. I have been feeling pressured and rushed and I needed to look at those ponies and those valentines. Thank you for the serenity.

  7. The "Hurry up! It's cold out here!" caption is so cute! It definitely is a fitting description for the photo. :D

    Those are very nice cards, by the way. I'd really like to find some time to make some cards myself.

  8. When it's cold, snowy and grey outside, inside is THE place to be. No need to feel guilty about that at all. Unlike the summertime, there's not much to do outside anyway. So stay inside and keep warm and relax by the fire. :)



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