Saturday, January 9, 2010


I'd say we had about four to five more inches of fluff by morning.

But! it was light and the sky actually looked blue.

The snow looked like frosting on every surface.

As soon as I opened the door to the barn Dream headed out to the pasture for her morning roll.

The dogs lasted for about half an hour before I had to put them in the house.

To the South, the clouds covered the sun for a short time.

Producing that eeeerrrriiieee look.

Gary helped me do chores, and by the time we finished it was clear sailing. No nothing.

He headed down to Brockport to meet Randy for a walk and I started shoveling the driveway.

The ponies seemed pretty happy as the sun started to hit the front paddock.

I am so glad we have a water trough with a heater in it!

As you can see, Dream is now part of the herd.

The roads were bare and the conditions seemed good enough to make the trip to the Carlton Four Seasons Restaurant for lunch. When I got in the house I made a few calls to see if anyone else was game.

Yes! Deb, Tom, Tina and Roger were all set to join us.

This is how it looked....

in the back yard....

when I let the dogs out this morning.

Somehow, I posted this series of photos out of order. Needless to say, we were going to have to clean up the driveway....again.

So here we are at the restaurant. Tom and Deb were making their debut.

When we arrived, one lone car was in the front parking lot. I think Tom said "looks like we won't have any trouble getting a table."

As we walked into the dining was packed!

We had not seen all the snow mobiles in the North parking lot and were thrilled to see that Steve had so much business.

A beautiful barn is on the other side of the parking lot...this is boonyville man!

As usual, the lunches were fantastic. Tina had a fish sandwich.

Tom, Deb and I had Reubens....

and Gary and Roger had fish fries.

This lunch thing has really been a pleasure. So relaxing and at a great time of the day to just sit around and have some good laughs.

Of course we had some very interesting conversations as we sat there for about 2 1/2 hours.

Home around three and the light was amazing.

As you can tell, I could not stop taking pictures....

The snow looked purple or blue violet or periwinkle or....cold.

Justine did chores....yey!!!!

Gary went to Brockport to get a newspaper and I vegged by the fire.

As the sun went down, I gathered the ingredients to make a salad. We still had more to do.

At 6:30 we arrived at Apple Creek Farm for dinner. Out for two meals in one day.

Louise always serves greek olives and cashews as an appetizer. We had some fresh veggies too.

What a great feeling you get in the living room.

Jack had a perfect fire going.

For dinner, we had a pork roast with mustard sauce, red potatoes, asparagus and a salad with pears and apples. For dessert, Louise made an apple/raspberry betty. Delish!

We ended the evening teaching them how to play Sequence and got home a little after 10.

Fortunately the dogs behaved. We were gone a lot today and sometimes Gucci is a bad girl.
That's it for now. It sounds like we are going to have some better/warmer (if you can call it that) in the next week.

Night all. I probably put you to sleep by now!


  1. Hi Lori, that food looks awesome!! Where is the Carlton Four Seasons restaurant located? I've never heard of it but would love to try it sometime.

  2. I love the weathervane photo!

    You've got me interested in Sequence - I love games and that one looks interesting.

  3. Oh yeah, I'm definitely packing my bags! B : )

  4. Just beautiful..Its cold here and and yes the sun was shining just beautiful here too..Hope you have a wonderful sunday..Hugs..

  5. What a wonderfully amazing day with photos to match.

    Reubens are my favorite!

  6. Oh're killin' me with those photos of all that good food. Beautiful scenes also.

  7. Great pictures! That is some beautiful snow. That's the one good thing I have to say about this winter is that the sun has been out a lot so it hasn't been as dark, dreary and depressing. :) We're finally getting weather in the forties next week. Normally I think that's unbearably cold, but after the weather we've been having it sounds fantastic. :)


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