Saturday, June 13, 2009


Gary helped me with chores this morning so they went very quickly.

The two lovebirds are never far from each other....32 yo Joe and 29 yo Pony.

When Gary went down to Java for coffee I dragged the outdoor arena twice!  I hate it when little bits of grass or weeds start to grow.

Howard, a friend of ours, is helping to get our gardens together.  This is his second day of weeding and he has made some serious improvements.
Our hostas are gigantic this year....

Could not resist taking another picture of the clothes line.  There is my trailer in the background.
When we got back from our lesson at Glen Darach, Jenny and her good friend Lindsay stopped at the farm.  Coop and Finn think she's just great! Sent her home with spinach, rhubarb and a few strawberries.
There goes my horse trailer.  A very sad day...the first time I have been without one for almost 30 years.  No sense in having a trailer....
Meanwhile....the sky was beautiful and the late afternoon temperatures were perfect.
These garden shots are for Gayle up in Alaska.

Once again, it is time for me to go out and put the horses in.  There is not one thing I have to do company, no appointments, no nothin'!  Night all....


  1. What lovely pictures, your hostas are to die for!!!!!! I had some nice big ones at my old house with a huge wisteria bush I wish i could have dug up when I moved...sigh..I miss my koi pond and my pool too! waaaaaa :-(
    Have a fun day doing nothing!!!!!! Days like are good to have every now and then!

  2. A relaxing day with nothing you "have" to do...that's got to be a rare thing for you. I hope it's going wonderfully!

  3. Love the hostas!! We just planted a dozen of them. What do you feed yours to get them so big???

  4. Enjoy your day... it sounds perfect.

  5. Such a lovely place...sad to see that trailer leave:-(

  6. (I would have commented last night, but my computer was giving me troubles!). The hosta are huge. I actually tried growing some last summer. It was a no-go. Some things are just suited for better environments. I so want to "go big" with the gardening, but I have so far to go. Getting a compost pile going this summer is going to really help my soil. I think that extra "zing" is what is missing. You asked about the has been 70-80 during the day, but cloudy and some rain showers. I think it is 50-60 in the night. Hope your week starts off with a bang!


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