Saturday, June 13, 2009


Well, I brought Abbe home from 5 weeks of training the day after Gary's car accident.  Had to borrow a trailer as we no longer had a truck to pull mine.  The plan was to put her to work 3-5 times per week and go back for lessons.  Everything was  topsy turvy here, so the first two weeks she only got line driven a couple of times.  This past week I worked her five days, and today Darrin was kind enough to transport us out for a session with Andrea.  Abbe was more than cooperative getting on a new trailer and as soon as we left she rode well on the trip out.
When we got there, I harnessed her in the trailer and took her into the indoor.  She was a little puffy, so we just stood there and relaxed for about 5 minutes.  Andrea wanted me to start first so she could see how we were doing.  I was very pleasantly surprised, as Abbe was better than she has been all week.  Then Andrea took over and made a few corrections.  I brought along the new harness I bought (like a jerk) on Ebay only to find that in no way will it fit her.  The saddle tree is too narrow and it sits about 5 inches above her withers.  I am in the process of trying to return it....who knows.  Also, in the past three weeks Abbe has gained I have to cut back her grain.  (She is currently getting 2/3 of a pound of Safe Choice am and pm with about 3 cups of beet pulp and Vit. E and Selinium).  She's on grass all day (like a lawn, not a lush pasture) and very little hay.  I ordered a new surcingle and look forward to applying what I learned today when I work her tomorrow.  Will I ever find a harness that fits her right????


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