Sunday, June 21, 2009


"Look!  There's a big wagon coming down the lane!"
"What do you think it is?"
"I'm not sure, but it is very scary...."
"And what's that blue thing sticking up in the air?"
"Can't stand here forever, let's go back to the grass..."

This was not my favorite hay day...  At 8:30 the "hay maker" brought over his tractor to pull the wagons up to the barn.  I told him it was wet after 3 days of rain, but he thought it was going to be just fine.   ANYTHING BUT!  It was wet near the gate they drove through, and the tractor lost can just guess what my pasture looks like about now.  It would not budge.  So, Gary (who hates doing hay) had to take down three fence boards so they could drive the truck in to pull the wagon and they could push it from behind with the tractor.  Bigger mess, but they got through.  Even with the tractor, the wet ground kept him from making the turn by the barn, so we had to leave it where it was and ran the elevator from the wagon to the barn.

I paid Mark (the hay man's nephew) to stack the hay. 

Then, Jenny, Kevin and the boys came up to help.  We were just starting on the second wagon.

Finn and Coop wanted to get in on the action.

I don't know how he did it, but Coop was able to move these bales around.

They weigh as much as he does....
Jen started out on the wagon, and ended up in the barn.  She is still a very strong "farm girl," even tho she has not lived here for many years.
The kids really got into the whole hay thing and were trying to be helpful.
Finn loved the hay wagon.
Almost done.
The hay is green and smells great...  hopefully the horses will like it.  Now I need to get about 200 more bales and I will be done.  Fortunately we will have a break before the next batch arrives.


  1. Coop is angling for his own hay business someday soon. He's a hard worker. Bringing the hay in and getting it put away looks like a lot of work but very satifying when it's finished. Does a good hearty meal come afterward? Wonderful series of photos. (Itchy Itchy, Hay, Hay, Barky, Barky is the funniest thing I have ever heard. Who has the great pipes??)

  2. Lori-- for whatever reason this has been one of my favorite posts. I loved the horses talking at the beginning. Jenny looks beautiful in the shot you have of her and the boys are just adorable. Looks like what started out as a real mess ended up being a nice family day.

  3. As I read the post I was thinking how I would have been more than irritated at the stuck tractor, blah, blah. And then I realized how calm my husband would have been just taking care of business. Then I realized that I would have caused myself a lot of undue stress. In the end, mess or not, the hay is in the barn. And from the photos it looks like everyone was having a good time. I really should learn to relax and not sweat the small stuff (as my dad always said).


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