Sunday, June 21, 2009

FOR DAD.....

This afternoon we were invited to Jenny's for a Father's Day dinner.  This arbor was built by Gary and a master woodworker pal for her wedding (which was at the Farm).  It now sits in her back yard.
We started off with roasted red peppers, cheese and crackers.
She made a yummy salad with blueberries, raspberries, mango, red onion, crumbly blue and Skoog Farm (ta dahhhhh) spinach.
We had a side of pilaf....

....grilled shish ke bobs.....chicken, mushrooms, red and yellow peppers, onions and pineapple...sound familiar????

can't forget the green beans.
For dessert we had strawberry shortcake with strawberries picked at (ta dahhhh) Skoog Farm.
The sweetest you have ever eaten-honest!
Here's a good picture of Buster Brown.  He is now 16 weeks old and behaved better than usual today.
Gar had harbor duty tonight and I went back to the farm to do chores.
The weather was grey, sunny, cool, muggy....finally beautiful at 6pm.
I had too many clothes on and got very hot doing the chores....

My two companions are getting harder and harder to keep track of...they insist on running after any living thing.

This is the most beautiful flower in our garden today.  That's all folks.


  1. That food looks wonderful! I can relate to the difficulties of getting chores down and keeping an eye on dogs. If it gets too frustrating, I corral my dog in a stall or put her back in the house.

  2. Hello Lori and Gary. Your food always looks fantastically colourful. Are you vegetarians?
    Regards, Mike.

  3. Looks like you had a very relaxing Father's Day.

  4. I'm a first time visitor to your blog and I wanted you to know that I think it's a beautiful site and a wonderful thing that you are doing. I have an older mule and an older horse, but I'm almost sure that if I had that many geriatric horses to care for that I couldn't get up in the morning. You are to be commended, they all look very healthy and happy. I've enjoyed my visit and I'll be back again.


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