Saturday, May 9, 2009


Before I even went out to the barn, Darrin and Justine showed up with their horse trailer to pick up Winnie.  Today the Lilac Festival Parade was held in Rochester and they were going to participate.
Chores went quickly and the horses were happy to be in the big pasture.  Another beautiful start to my day.

Our weeping crab apple trees are now in full bloom.
I had to run several errands this morning...bought an extra bag of grain, hay cubes, and a birthday present for Ariana.  When I got home, we had a torrential downpour along with some thunder so I put the horses in the barn while I went down to Wegman's to buy groceries.
Soon the rain stopped and the wind picked up.  While I was mowing the lawn, the temperature went down about 15 degrees.
Justine set up everything for the evening chores.  After dinner I put the horses in for the night as the sky was getting black and the wind was blowing like crazy.
When I put Pony in her stall she was all dirty from rolling after she got rained on.  I attacked her with the shedding blade and made an effort to get as much hair off her as possible. Fortunately I was able to rake it all up so it wouldn't get mixed in with the bedding.  At 29, she is one of the last to give up her hair.
When Joe finished his grain and hay cubes, he took a snooze.  The flash woke him up and he went back for more food.
By the time I got back outside it was 7:30 and it looked like more rain was approaching.

The temperature dropped from the low 70s to about 57.

In a short time, this wild rose bush will be full of yellow blossoms.
This picture of the windmill looks black and white, but it is actually the color of the sky.
It never fails, just before dark we get the most dramatic colors.

That's it for me.  Gary's asleep on his comfy chair, pretending to watch TV, and I am about ready to do the same.  Goodnight all....

Sue... I hope things go well for you tomorrow when you go see Chloe and the Snapdragon. Fe...when are you going to crank up that computer and start some of your fabulous writings?


  1. I can't tell you how much I enjoy your blog. Wonderful. Pat Joe for me, give him a little extra suger from a starnger in Flroida. What a delight to enjoy a bit of Irving Berlin while reading of your family and your day..Stepping Out.

    So nice!!

  2. Very nice to have a small peek into your world, of horses and flowers and the farm, I enjoyed your tour.
    Like the sun rise golden light in the first photo and the windmill.

  3. I thought I was going to get the same downpour today, and I am so glad that I didn't. I was doing a lot of raking and cleaning up after dogs (not my favorite job). It never did rain, but it is cold and the 40's. You are so green now. Looks just beautiful against the barns. Your trees are amazing. All my trees are small trunked due to the inability to grow so large in the severe cold. Pony looks stunning all brushed out. I need to finish up Roscoe. He's a handful and only got half-done. Enjoy Mother's Day!

  4. Very nice look at what you all do. Nice post.

  5. What an idyllic place you live in! Thank you for the scenic tour of your lovely world.

  6. This was an interesting insight into what your day on the farm is like. And you live near Rochester? I'm heading down for the day for the Lilac Festival this week - couldn't make it for the parade. Am looking forward to the drive down that way.


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