Sunday, March 8, 2009


Well, it rained most of the night.  From snow to the monsoon season.

I spoke too soon yesterday regarding a nice transition to spring!

What a mess...and fog, fog, fog....

This, friends, is my flooded outdoor arena....
Phoebe and Gucci were content to be in the house today.  I didn't feel that hot this morning so I cooled it most of the day.
Started to rally in the afternoon, as our friend Jack will join us for dinner.
Tonight we had homemade Lomain, Chicken Helen, and mixed greens with pears & blue cheese.
Jack was glad that I remembered how much he likes Lomain.  Louise and our friend Judy have been in India for two weeks so he was happy to have company.

He brought over a chocolate cream pie...that we all hated (of course).

Hope you are enjoying some changes I made to the format....I have a few thousand photos to choose from....  Until tomorrow....


  1. Wet outside, but it sure looks cozy inside. Love your new "time for morning chores" photo.

  2. The streaming sunlight is beautiful. So what is sunrise time for chores? What time do you get up and do you go right out or do you wake up with some coffee? Curious. I still find it amazing how Phoebe completely accepted another dog. My little darlings fight amongst themselves (at times). In fact, for awhile I had to seperate one female out as the other three females were literally trying to kill her. Luckily, that has stopped. I am so sorry about the rain. That is right behind 50 below for my dislikes. (Actually, I like soft rain on occasion to walk in, but not cold down pour). Is there any way to do a little dirt work and get better drainage? The flooding seems to be quite a problem. I hope tomorrow is a sunny day!

  3. Mmmm, the food looks yummy!!


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