Friday, March 27, 2009


There's no doubt about it!  Going out to do the morning chores when the temperatures are relatively mild is so much better than what we had this past winter.

I got down to business and was done a little early.  As you can see, we have a very old barn. Stone walls and big old tree trunk beams.

It heated up quickly and may have hit 60.

The horses are very happy to have access to the outdoor arena, now that is no longer under water.

It is their favorite place to roll.

...they view it as their own "playground."

I am still getting tons of hair off most of them.  

The love birds are always close to each other.

I went down to get a haircut at noon and met Jenny and Cooper for lunch at the Golden Eagle Restaurant.  Out for lunch two days in a we need to cool it.  Jenny is home with the Coop da'Ville on Tuesdays and Fridays while Finn is at school.  The one on one has been very nice for both of them.

Got home and went outside.  Worked Abbe and tried to get both rings dragged before Justine had her riding lesson.  Gayle....this is what it looks like when I am done.  I have a lawn tractor that I pull the drag with, and it works up the sand.

Today Justine and Winnie had a great lesson.  They were relaxed and very smooth at the walk, trot and canter.

Of course, the herd had to wait outside the door during the lesson...they all took a sun bath.
Tonight, I fed them grain in and 2/3 of their hay out.  Will put them in for the night around 8. 
I look forward to warm nights and leaving them out (of course the spoiled ponies will be able to go crash in the indoor).

I put together a quickie dinner, but it sure tasted good.  Homemade macaroni salad, mixed greens with sliced tomatoes drizzled with Italian Dressing, cheddar cheese, a couple of pieces of Genoa Salami and a multi grain roll.  Looks like a summer thing to me.


  1. THis has got to be the prototypical Skoog Farm post! Light, sky, horses, family food. What more could you want. Not to mention a Billy Joel tune playing. I am glad winter is fading in Brockport! Now if there were just new photos of my pal Bermuda - ha!

  2. I love these photos. So very beautiful. And your skywatch is just great.

  3. Nice plate !
    I like your horses pictures.
    Thank you fr your explanations about the therapeutic dog. I send your mail to my friends to tell them about it because I have never seen such a thing here.
    Have a good day

  4. I am so jealous of your indoor arena. Looked into putting one up once but didn't seem worth the expense for just me riding. Seriously thinking about boarding my horses next winter so I can ride. It was 17 degrees this morning in my neck of the woods. Sigh...

  5. Dragging the arena would be right up my alley. Looks so pretty when you are done. All the sunshine must feel so good, and I'm sure lifts spirits. The new falling snow this morning has made me less than motivated to do anything!


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