Friday, March 7, 2025

Two Pigs in Blankets

We had about an inch of snow last night and it was very cold this morning.  I've had it with the wind!

The sun came out for awhile and all the snow melted.
I did a couple loads of laundry and finished watching "The Morning Show" this afternoon and evening.  I would highly recommended it.

Tucked the boys in just before 6.  They were a mess!!!

Grilled out tonight.
What a lazy day!
Night all.



  1. Sometimes we need a quiet and lazy day. My critters were mud balls yesterday and this morning they are almost clean!

  2. My Joe sure would like horses. He isn't physically able to do that, so it is out of the question.

  3. The boys had a great time! The way you hustle and bustle most days, you need a quiet, restful day.


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