Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Daniela and Rebel

A semi busy day.  The temperature rose to about 54 degrees, more snow melted, Alice was here for Spa Day and Buddy and Rebel were naked.

After morning chores I dropped Daniela off at the college campus so she could go on a run.  Tried to get some shavings at Country Max and they were out.  Had more luck finding what I needed at Wegmans.
Picked Daniela up at 10:30.  Alice arrived at 10:45 and the boys were still eating breakfast.  At that time it was 40 degrees.

I took the boys sheets over to their barn and tried brushing some of the dirt off.

Little Wonder went with me.

Daniela joined us when Alice was finishing up with Rebel.

Alice joined us for lunch and then left to do some tutoring.  Daniela and I continued watching "The Morning Show."  Ended up making Naan bread pizzas and Jenny joined us for a quick dinner before going to a meeting.  Also thawed out some raspberries from our garden and prepared shortcake.
Because we were in a rush...ate first and then went out for chores....by then it was dark.

The color was very beautiful when I headed back to the house.
Night all.
I refuse to watch Agent Orange tonight.



  1. Us too. TV is off tonight. Not listening to lies and chaos he’s created. His brainwashed buddies can show up in their arm bands which might as well say “we’ve been sold to Russia.”.

  2. Sorry I should have signed my comment with Kathy.

  3. Most of Europe seems to stand united against A O. Canada has started to retaliate, with Nova Scotia firmly standing to buy or use only Canadian goods.

  4. No TV here either and limited social media. I am attempting to support the countries standing up to him...Glad you had a good day.

  5. I watched about 2 minutes and was already yelling at the TV. I have all sorts of bad words I could use right now.


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