Friday, February 14, 2025

No More Stitches

The high was around 28 degrees and we had sunshine....and outrageous ice.

Do you have thick ice where you live?  After 40 degrees, some rain and temperatures below freezing...many driveways around here are a disaster.

I know one thing!  I am very sick of the wind.

After chores I did not get much done.  Neither did my buddies.

At 2 I was at the dermatologists getting stitches removed from my left arm.  A week ago Monday I had a very small spot removed and everything seems to be ok.  Always scary when you have to have a biopsy and surgery.  This aging stuff is no picnic.
I had started dinner before evening chores and had a few minutes to hang out by the fire.
It was still very light when LW and I went out to the barn.  The boys were tucked in at 5:45.

Then I had to ride my trike up on this icy little grade.  Almost made it to the driveway before the wheels started spinning.

Dinner.  Coleslaw, mashed potatoes, and BBQued pork.  Yum.
Night all.



  1. I am glad your arm is okay. I had stitches at various points as a kid post surgery and they itched and drove me nuts. Your place and the animals look peaceful and that dinner is comfort food. Happy Friday!

  2. We've already had 4+" of rain since the first of the month and tomorrow's forecast is for afternoon and all night rain, then Wednesday and Thursday we might get snow. Mud added to mud! With all of this wet, we may slide southward into North Carolina since they are south of us, globally speaking.


  3. Glad the arm is okay! We are finally getting snow! Whoo hoo!

  4. No ice at the moment. We are living in a freezer, except for today and tomorrow. Then we go down again. Good news about the biopsy.


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