Sunday, December 29, 2024

Bills 40 Jets 14

Today there was a 100% chance of rain.  Not good as Ariana, Finn and Coop were going to Buffalo for the Bill's game with 5 other friends.  They had rain ponchos and plenty of food for a tailgate party before going into the stadium.  Fortunately, by game time the conditions were pretty good and it was dry and around 50 degrees.

Meanwhile back at the was a mildish morning and no rain.... so I turned the boys out naked.  That was a mistake.  They had hay under the shed roof, but as soon as they went out to the pasture it started to rain.

I finished chores.....
and put them in the grooming room with some hay and wool coolers to get them dried off.

Put on their sheets and they went out to get rained on again....and rolled to see who could get the dirtiest.

At 1:30 the Bill's game started and it was a good one.  I wish we could have seen the kids in this crowd!
 Last night at dinner we all made predictions about the score and I do believe Grampa won.
Josh Allen is one very talented quarterback and he has a gigantic following.
The dreary day made it extra dark at chore time.

Steph, Jen and Scott are currently making dinner for the 8 kids who went to the game.  We just had a bowl of leftover pasta.  Not hungry.
Little Wonder was in snooze mode.

Night all.


  1. My girls took mud baths and then slept in a sandy area when we had an hour of sunshine yesterday.
    Now we have freezing fog again.
    Looks like you had a pretty nice day!

  2. It's been mild and foggy here, too. I'm happy for the kids having good weather for the game. Leftovers are an appreciated thing around here.


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