Monday, September 16, 2024

Spa Day and Little Wonder to the Groomer

Sunshine all day long.  Rebel was gimpish this morning but got around in the pasture.

When Alice arrived, she ended up going out to bring Buddy in, with Rebel slowly following.
The poor guy.

Alice and Little Wonder are still pals.

When it was Rebel's turn (I had already taken off his wrap while he was waiting for Buddy to be done) I soaked his foot in warm water and epsom salts.  He stood like that for half an hour.

I let his foot dry off for awhile and put on a dry wrap with a pad.  I am not going to put anything on it (like a drawing salve) so  it will dry out a bit.  Could not pick his other feet as he was too uncomfortable.  The farrier is coming in a couple days and that's not going to work out too well.  I believe he was more comfortable when he went back out.

Little Wonder's coat did not grow all that much so he had a bath and the groomer just trimmed his face, feet and butt....did his nails and ears.  He looked great when I picked him up.

Chores at 7:15.
I sure hope the pad gives him some protection.

Tucked the boys in and am concentrating on icing my foot.  Enough already!
Night all.



  1. I wonder if soaking him often keeps his sole too soft? Just a thought. Our farriers often do our critters on grass so the gravel driveway won't bother their newly trimmed feet.
    I sure hope Rebel and your feet get some relief!

  2. When LW decides he likes someone, he really likes them! Maybe the farrier will see something this time? Now both of you have a sore foot, not good.


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