Friday, September 6, 2024

Almost Ready

Warmed up a little today and we finally had a cloudburst.  I went out to do chores early.  Rebel was holding his own and I put a new wrap on his foot.  No bute.

Gary and I spent the day working on the house, picking flowers and cleaning up around the gardens.  Jenny picked me up at 4:15 and we braved the rain to go down to Wegmans to shop for tomorrow's event.

We were done and home in an hour.
Dinner....leftover soup and bagels.
Chores at 7:30 and it was almost dark.

Of course Buddy took off his mask and left it somewhere.

I'm going to have to fly tomorrow morning.  Will do chores early, then Jenny will come up and we will put together 5 frittatas in pie plates so they will have time to cool down before our guests arrive at 11.  In between I am going to grab a shower.  Fortunately, Jenny volunteered to put together the fruit bowls tonight, and will also sauté some peppers and onions so we won't have to do it in the morning.

Forgot to take a photo of a beautiful hydrangea arrangement for the food table.
Little Wonder always keeps me company when I post this.  Within a minute he is sacked out.

Night all.



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