Saturday, August 3, 2024

A Five Blossom Morning

I've been waiting for it to rain all day, but not much has arrived yet.  Our house guest did not arrive last night.  She flew from Florida to LaGuardia yesterday....they postponed her twice and then cancelled her flight.  Stuck at the airport and could not even get a flight back to Florida.  The dressage clinic was canceled and there must have been 10-15 rides scheduled.  Hopefully they can get another date.

Rebel looked a little stiff when I got out to the barn.  I put glop on the soles of his front feet (he was able to bare weight on both when I picked them).  He had 1 gram of bute and was good all day.  No more tonight and hopefully he will not need anything tomorrow.

After chores I drove over to Spencerport to have a trike tire repaired and it was done in about 5 minutes.  So happy to have it functioning again.  On the way home I stopped at Glen Darrach to see what was cookin'.
We had company this afternoon.  Kim and Neal came over from Albion to get some garlic.
Gary also gave them tomatoes, beets and banana peppers.
We had cold drinks and a very nice chat.  They own an Art Gallery in Albion....she is an artist and he is a mason who is currently working on a huge historical cobblestone house.  He has done stone work on our barn and our outside chimney/grill.  I just found out that he plays the guitar and sings, but has not done it for a few years.  We will have to play together one of these days.

While they were here, another friend came up.  He takes manure for his gardens and Gary trades him garlic for wine.  Today he also brought some jam.  Bartering is the best.
Check out these hibiscus blossom that all showed up today.

This plant has not put one out in almost three years.  The coloring is so wild.

The photo below is for my friend Val.  Our kitchen garden is like a jungle and we have many of the same flowers that are growing at her farm.
When it started cooling off I decided to mow the lawn.

That made us have a late dinner of leftovers.
As per usual, the boys were waiting to eat.

Night all.

Slowly but surely Gary is making progress on the puzzle we were given at a party last Saturday.  Every once in awhile he sneaks into the dining room and adds a few more pieces.


  1. Don't plan on having dinner guests any time soon.I do them online, and can choose the size. Gary, yours looks enormous!!!

  2. Your kitchen garden looks amazing and beautiful. My gardens are much messier and less organized. I'd admire that garden all day!

    I am making plans to change things up for next year. I've always wanted something like that pretty little fence to put around a garden!

  3. All the flowers make me smile! That's really too bad about the clinic. Nothing anyone could do about it, though. That is large puzzle.

  4. That is crazy! What responsibility does the airline have when this happens?


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