Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Another Spa Day With Alice

Another cool day.  Very grey but no rain.

Alice arrived at 10 and as per usual, Buddy was on deck for the first grooming session.

Rebel was next and they both enjoyed themselves enormously!!!!

Neither of them wanted to leave the grooming room....their comfort zone.

More blossoms today.

This afternoon I roasted a chicken and served it with yummy mashed potatoes and that orange carrot and walnut salad (that used to be popular in the 50s at my Swedish grandmother's house).

When it was time to tuck the boys in, Buddy went to his old stall and wanted to stay there.  
Eventually he decided he wanted his grain and went back to where he belonged.  I knew he would figure it out.

Little Wonder said his day was very boring.
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Those boys live in luxury suites! Alice has become quite confident around the horses, this is good for her, I think. Nothing like a well roasted chicken.


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