Monday, May 20, 2024

The Heat is On!

Whoa!  82 degrees and the inside of our house knew it!

Once again, Buddy and Rebel wanted to hang in the I set them up with hay nets.
It's time for the yellow roses to start blooming.  This bush was here when we moved in back in 1981.  Now Jenny has one bigger than ours at her house.
This morning I had a dentist appointment and this afternoon I cleaned out my barn clothes closet.  Threw away some stuff and now I'm set up for the warmer weather.  Tomorrow it could be 86 degrees!  My barn ensembles are so special!!!
We had a very light dinner (leftover Sloppy Joes and carrots dipped in humus).  Just too hot too soon for me.  Chores at 7:45.

Gary removed the plexiglass windows from the boys stalls so now there is plenty of opportunity for good air circulation.   All the barn doors are open too.

We have fans going in the house and it's cooling off a bit.

Night all.


  1. We had 86 on Sunday and yesterday it was hot an humid. I guess the weather was preparing for the intense storms we are getting today.

    Hopefully, it will cool off a bit for you!

  2. We had that weather last week. Not ready for it. But then, I never am. Last year it was so humid I didn't open windows. No point, all we got was humidity. I try not to use the ancient AC if I can help it, but the last few years have been rough.


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