Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Studio

No weather complaints today.  72 degrees and it felt like summer.

After chores we went to Wegmans for a few things and when we got back to the farm I headed to the Studio to start getting it ready for our She Sings practices.  We had stored all kinds of stuff in there during the winter.
These flowers have been blooming for at least 6 weeks.
The tulips are starting to come on strong too.

We had a little rain, and when it stopped Gary started working on the planting of the new apple trees.

So far, one has been planted.
Took it easy for awhile and then we had dinner.  Leftover scalloped potatoes and a salad.

Put the boys in a little after 7.

Between being wet and rolling.....I had to do a little clean up and more hair came off.

Gary said that 90% of our rhubarb (that was ready) was ruined by the frost and now the new growth is going to take awhile.  The bamboo also took a hit and stalks that were over 3 feet high are now bent over and brown.  That's a first.
More taking it easy now...
Night all.



  1. Rebel enjoyed his roll. Good boy! The flowers are glorious! It rained all day yesterday and is gloomy today. everything has turned green.

  2. My gals roll a lot, but that helps get the shedding hair off from them.

    OH! I love love that shot of LW behind the box? He looks as though he is peeking at you!

    So adorable.
    And the studio looks amazing.


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