Sunday, April 21, 2024

Lame Duck

So glad I put the sheets back on the boys last night.  Cold this morning....all day in fact.  As if I am not gimpy enough, when I got out of bed my left heel (plantar f.) was in agony.  I think it's because I switched what I was wearing to the barn about a week ago and screwed everything up.  Can't wait to see how this plays out.

Took it easy this morning.  Started wearing my good sneakers with orthotics in them to see if it helps.  Definately more support.  I made some meatballs and sauce for dinner and then put together some fake tuna salad.  Drained and rinsed chi chi beans and mashed them....added celery, green onions, fresh lemon juice, salt, pepper and mayo.  We had sandwiches for lunch with romaine, tomatoes and Swiss cheese.  Delicious!  If I did not tell you what it was, you would think you were eating tuna fish.  The same texture.

Jenny and Cooper (who was home for a wedding) came up and helped Gary finish moving the brush out to the road for the pick up tomorrow.

We sure appreciated their efforts!  Got Jenny to try the fake tuna fish and she loved it.
Yesterday Cooper was all duded up for the wedding...he was given several sport coats and they just happened to fit.
He even got a top coat!
I sat by the fire for awhile and tried to stay off my feet until evening chores.
Spent an hour practicing my bass uke.
I have recordings on my computer and the chords and lyrics on my iPad.  Works out well for me to play with the whole band.
Little Wonder snoozed next to me.
I made open faced meatball sandwiches on ciabatta rolls for dinner.
Carrots and celery on the side.  That was enough.
Chores at 7.  Of course that was when we had some sunshine.  It was windy and felt like the 30s.

We were only out for 15 minutes so LW did not wear his coat.

Got the boys tucked in and am ready to put my feet up.  There was some good light left in the living room.  I must have painted this over 30 years ago.

Night all.



  1. Ow about the foot, that's a real problem when you have animals to tend and life to live! I hope it calms down soon. Great horse pictures!

  2. Plantar F, that can be a problem, ages ago another blog friend had that, but cannot remember what she tried to help cure it. Clothes for the man, great to be given good gear, love that coat, so smart.

  3. I had Plantar F a couple of times also. I recall getting taped up for it and it sure helped.
    I hope you feel better quite soon, though it does take some time to feel better.

    We've had frost here 4 nights in a row.

    But the days are fairly mild.

  4. The grandson is a dapper young man! The painting in the light is etherial. I haven't had Plaantar F but I understand it is very painful. Glad the footwear is helping.

    You asked if I am able to see the horses and I forgot to answer. Not yet, but I think it is possible now. Getting myself in gear is the real issue.

  5. I had to look up chi chi beans :-D. I'll try this. Sorry about your foot. Nothing worse when you have so much to do.


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