Monday, April 1, 2024

Cabbage Soup

It turned out to be a gorgeous day.  Now we have three days of rain coming up.

After chores I made a quick trip to Aldi's and then had an appointment with the chiropractor.  Long overdue, since I could not go when I had the flu.

Got home around 11:30, had lunch and started making cabbage soup.  I had totally taken apart the ham, froze some and made ham salad..

At 3:30, Dan (our next door neighbor who was my student in the 9th grade) brought his daughter over to meet the horses.
So sweet.  The boys trotted over from the back pasture when I called them.

Both were very gentle and well mannered.

When they left, I went out to see if the JD lawn tractor would start and bam!  It did!
Wanted to mulch all the hay that has been building up in the front paddock before we get all the rain.

The water trough was a mess from all the dust so I emptied it and move it under the shed roof for the next many months.  Of course by doing that, we will probably get some cold weather and it will freeze up.

The cabbage soup was delicious and we will get a couple more meals out of it.

Tucked the boys in at 7:15.

By the way....the Apple Betty Pie has been a real treat.

Night all.


  1. Yep, I just cleaned the 300 gallon water tank with the heater in it and moved over to the littler tank. I thought good weather was here! Nope, now we have snow, sleet, rain, and whatnot coming. Oh well, the tanks are clean and the little one can be heated.

    Looks like a lot of work done! Well done!

  2. Rebel looks very interested in the company. We had snow overnight and it started again about 15 minutes ago. I've never had cabbage soup, it looks good.


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