Sunday, March 17, 2024

Slight Improvement

We had some rain last night and it looked like this before going out to the barn this morning.

Fortunately the sun stayed with us for awhile and by early evening it started snowing.

Mary Pat left around noon....made a couple stops and should be getting home by 10.  I sure hope she does not get my cold.
Little Wonder continued sending me healing vibes.

Jenny made us a pot of soup which we will eat tomorrow.  Smells delicious.
When she and Scott stopped up, they both went out to the barn with me for evening chores.

That's when it started snowing.

She approved the new stall set up and understands how much easier it is.

We ate some leftovers for dinner.  At least I now have an appetite.  Hopefully I'm on the road to recovery....a quick one would be nice!
Night all.



  1. Hope you continue to feel better.

    Send some moisture our way!

  2. I sure hope you are better soon. You've had a tough go of it. We are expecting measurable snow this week. That happened only once all winter. Good on Jenny supplying you with soup and help.


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