Thursday, March 14, 2024

I Am Not Happy

Back in November I had the "cough" that was going around and it lasted for weeks.  Yesterday it returned.  I do not need this!!!

Still had to do chores and we had a lunch date planned with Jen and Finn.  I decided to go and was pretty good after a nice hot shower.  In the meantime, chores as usual.

We started out with sunshine and ended up with rain.  63 down to the low 40s.
Finn got here at 11 and we drove into Rochester to pick up Jenny.
She and Scott gave us a gift certificate to 
for Christmas and today was the day.  Instead of just Gary and I going for a fancy dinner....the 4 of us went out for lunch.

Excellent everything.
Felt so tired when we got back to the farm I took a very long nap before going out in the rain for evening chores.

Mary Pat spent the day with her sister and will be back this evening.
Night all.



  1. Oh no! Hopefully you haven't caught whatever it was again.

  2. I'm so sorry. You need to catch a break. On the other hand, you lunch looks fabulous!

  3. Try homeopathy. It takes care of us no matter what we get. Bryonia 30c and aconite nap 200c together.

  4. Humans couldn't get through life without naps! :)


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