Friday, March 22, 2024

A Very Long Squall

The weatherman said we could get hit with some snow around 9pm, but it started almost 12 hours earlier.  First, we had a beautiful sunrise.

By the time I turned the boys out it was grey and they immediately went out to the pasture, leaving their hay all over the front paddock

Then it started to snow and the wind picked up.
By 12:30 they were just trying to stay out of the wind, so I called them in.

Gary went out to get more wood for the stove.  We are just about out.

We rested this afternoon.
At 5:15 it was no longer snowing so I turned the boys back out, picked their stalls and reset them for tonight.

They had time for a good stretch and then were tucked in for the night.
Our dinner was ready when we got back to the house.
Night all.



  1. That looks downright miserable, apart from a brief spurt of sun.But dinner, yummy !!!

  2. You have been getting the weather! We have sunshine with snow coming in again sometime tomorrow. We are out of wood, except for the small amount in the woodbox. We have large, downed trees and no wood. Something is going on with neighbor Bill. He has Mark's chainsaw to fix and hasn't for months. He normally would not have been able to stop himself from having those trees cut up months ago. Not good. Dinner looks really good.

  3. Just east of us other folks got over 8 inches of snow. Today we have sunshine and more winter weather is coming.

    Hopefully you get good weather soon.

  4. And I thought our weather was the pits :-o.


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