Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Sunrise and Sunset

The same colors....this morning and tonight.

30 degrees when we went out for morning chores....and lots of sunshine.  Ended up near 50.

Once again, Sid was up for some sun bathing.

We had a rehearsal today....
Working on some new songs.... quite a challenge.
Home late and got started on dinner before going out to the barn.  The sky was beautiful...again.

I had a tiny piece of boneless pork, Browned it...sliced it....sauteed with onions....topped with BBQ sauce and put it in the oven while I went out to the barn.  SO GOOD!!!!
Night all.



  1. We had some stunning sunrises here this week but yours are so beautiful!

    Looks like a really wonderful day at your place.
    Yum on your supper.

  2. You have a panoramic view of the sky. Beautiful.


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