Sunday, February 11, 2024

OK. I'm Back

This was a marathon day.  Up at 6 and still going.

Gary and I had most of the tables and chairs in place at the Lodge before the rest of the band members arrived.  It took us quite awhile to set up all of our equipment and looked like mini Woodstock. 

 While we were waiting, Sara was singing by the fire.

Friends started to arrive and Dusty Road got in their sound check.

By 12:30, many had arrived and pretty soon the pizza delivery was made.  Many people brought snacks to share too.

Our band was on last, so we had plenty of time to listen to the others.

The Lodge is a perfect facility for events like this.  Comfortable and good acoustics.
The Road less Traveled was on tap first.  I loved every song they sang.  Sara, Bill and Russ have this down and they sounded great.

Next....Dusty Road!

Last but not least....

What a very long day!  There were many great reviews from out audience and is was well worth every minute.
Home in time to do chores....

and then dinner and the Super Bowl at Jenny's.

Little Wonder joined us.
We are very tired!!!
Night all.



  1. Super Bowl, what a huge event, nothing like that down here. Great music, and what a feast.

  2. Well no super bowl here, we haven't watched that in years as football no longer interests hubby.

    Sounds like a great and very busy day. What a great day! The music was great!

  3. You've got stamina! Really good music, how much fun this must be. Mark watched the Super Bowl. I passed.


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