Thursday, February 15, 2024

High Winds Are On The Way

 The past two weeks with no snow and a little sunshine spoiled me.  Winter has returned.  Once again I got up very early and had some down time with Little Wonder before chores.

I did a few things around the house.  Started dinner for tonight and made a huge batch of chicken thighs that I will put in baggies so it will be ready for LW and the cats.  They love it and it should last for quite awhile.  Isn't it interesting that now it's popular for dogs to have people food.  I have always cooked for them.  Cooked peas, carrots, green beans.  Rice, scrambled eggs,  pasta....even the cats like leftover spaghetti.  Every morning LW has a few of the raw carrots I cut up for the horses.
I did tune in to the trials on TV while I was home.  So much action today.
At 12:30 I went to the bank and made it to the library by 1 for an afternoon of bridge.  On the way home I stopped at Country Max for grain and shavings.  By then it had been snowing for over an hour.

I put the boys. in a little early as their sheets were soaked and Buddy had rolled in the indoor.  Fortunately they are waterproof.

Now they have on their dry, snuggie Rambos.

Dinner was simple since I get home so late on bridge days.
Night all.


  1. Even here we are having yo-yo weather. Lovely to have dinner for the others all done and bagged up.A friend a good while ago made up meals for their black lab, with veges, rice, garlic, eggs and other things.

  2. My last greyhound had IBD so I made food for her and Howard. It really helped her. Right now it's acting like winter here.

  3. I hope you don't get the high winds. Ice and snow on the 14th and cold now. We had winds yesterday but they didn't bother us in the hollow.


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