Thursday, February 8, 2024

55 Degrees

It felt pretty darn good today.

Buddy came in for a visit while I was cleaning Rebel's stall.

After chores I drove out to a deli in Hilton to buy some meat and picked up a sub.  Stopped at Wegmans on the way home, then got ready to go to the library for bridge.
Currently my friends....Brenda and Al Cretney have a show there.  Here are a few samples of their work.  Please excuse the reflections from the lights.
The painting below was done from one of my photos when we were having a hay delivery.
You have all seen this one....Abbe.

I'm not sure if this is Seymour or another cat.  Brenda has my permission to use any of my photos.  She was my art student for awhile and now she paints regularly in her studio at home and participates in watercolor shows all over the country.
Al is a master carver.

When I pulled in the driveway after bridge, the temperature was still 53 degrees.

Tucked my two little piggies in and

dinner was an instant replay.
Night all.



  1. We had amazing weather also and then last night in our state we had a Tornado!
    The animals loved the nice weather and the short rain we had.
    Now we are back to colder weather.

    Looks like you had a beautiful day!

  2. They are talented!! We were the same temps as you yesterday, along with rain. Cooler today.


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