Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Under a Minute

What the heck!  We only had about 45 seconds of sunshine.  So discouraging.  The temperature was around 28 this morning and the wind was pretty strong so the first thing I did was take off the boy's sheets and put on heavier blankets.

While I was doing that, Gary drove himself to the office of the urologist in Rochester and he was home by 10:15!  I could not believe it.  They removed his catheter and he sure was more comfortable.  Drank a lot of liquids and made sure his plumbing was working.  It was.
Finn and his Pal Joe came up this afternoon for barn duty.  We are so lucky to have help.  Gary can't lift more than 20 pounds for at least 2 weeks so he will be taking it easy.

The fire had us all in nap mode late afternoon.

Tucked the boys in and we are going to have a simple supper.  I defrosted some of that lasagna Alfredo soup.
Night all.



  1. Oh my lasagna alfredo soup? Now that is something I'd love to be able to make.

    Glad you have that help!

  2. Good soup! You are so fortunate to have the help, such good young men. We have been dreary forever, too.


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