Tuesday, January 9, 2024

So Far So Good

It was one ugmo day, but we have been fortunate not to get the high wind gusts yet.  70 mph at the Buffalo airport and 74 mph in Dunkirk.  We are in the low 40s.  Started out with snow, then rain....and I ended up putting Rebel and Buddy back in their stalls by 11:15 as they chose to get soaked.

So dark in the barn when there is no sunshine.

After finishing the stalls, I picked the indoor.  They sure have not been going in there...and it's so cozy.  This drawing was done by one of my students (Dan Butler) when he was a freshman in High School.  I have been retired since '99 so as you can imagine, he is all grown up and now lives in the house next to us.  He bought it from his parents and lives there with his family.  This drawing has been hanging in the indoor since it was built in 1992!  I love it.  Marieke (Berlin's Dam) is on the left, and her full brother, Hollander,  is on the right.  Both horses were at a show and recognized each other after having been separated for years.

I think the boys were happy to be inside enjoying some extra hay.

Late afternoon Little Wonder and I drove down to the Brockport Animal Hospital to pick up an ear wash for Seymour....my million dollar cat.
When we got back to the farm I turned out the horses, picked the stalls, set them up and they were back in for the night.
Dinner was delicious.  A tiny boneless rib with onions and carrots...
and we tested out the onion loaf I bought from our neighbor.

Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully the wind never materialized. None of the dramatic weather came up here. Just cold and cloudy. Your dinner looks really good!


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